Addiction - AllPsych The Virtual Psychology Classroom Thu, 31 Mar 2022 08:43:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Addiction - AllPsych 32 32 Do Different Addictions Have the Same Risk Factors? Tue, 23 Jun 2020 17:00:52 +0000 From substance use to compulsive behaviors, addiction can take a variety of forms. Given that range of possible addictions, psychology researchers are still trying to figure out the extent to which different types of addictive behaviors share similar roots. A new study from researchers at Bar-Ilan University and UCLA provides some new data for exploring…

The post Do Different Addictions Have the Same Risk Factors? first appeared on AllPsych.

The post Do Different Addictions Have the Same Risk Factors? appeared first on AllPsych.

Sadness and Smoking Sat, 04 Jan 2020 17:00:46 +0000 The idea that drugs can be an escape from negative emotions is well known. A recently published study from researchers at Harvard University gives us some more evidence for that idea, but adds a new twist. As it turns out, the emotion of sadness in particular, rather than negative emotions in general, may have an…

The post Sadness and Smoking first appeared on AllPsych.

The post Sadness and Smoking appeared first on AllPsych.

A 20-Minute Procedure Can Change People’s Everyday Risk Preferences Tue, 30 Jul 2019 00:19:07 +0000 One of the interesting findings in recent psychology research is that relatively simple procedures can temporarily alter people’s brain activity and behaviors. A recent study demonstrated this in terms of people’s propensity for risky actions. The researchers who ran the study used a technique known as transcranial direct-current stimulation, or more conveniently tDCS. This involves…

The post A 20-Minute Procedure Can Change People’s Everyday Risk Preferences first appeared on AllPsych.

The post A 20-Minute Procedure Can Change People’s Everyday Risk Preferences appeared first on AllPsych.

Desire Thinking Is Common to Different Types of Addiction Wed, 26 Jun 2019 17:00:12 +0000 Whether it’s addiction to a substance or addiction to a behavior, different types of addiction share certain features. Generally, these involve a strong urge to engage in some type of rewarding behavior despite negative consequences. For psychologists, understanding what ties together different forms of addiction is a key to learning more about how addiction works.…

The post Desire Thinking Is Common to Different Types of Addiction first appeared on AllPsych.

The post Desire Thinking Is Common to Different Types of Addiction appeared first on AllPsych.

What Do Internet Addiction and Smoking Have in Common? Sat, 27 Apr 2019 02:30:31 +0000 No, that question isn’t the beginning of a bad joke. But it could be the beginning of a psychology study. In fact, a team of researchers in China recently did take it as the starting point for a study. In attempting to answer the question, they honed in on one factor that has previously been…

The post What Do Internet Addiction and Smoking Have in Common? first appeared on AllPsych.

The post What Do Internet Addiction and Smoking Have in Common? appeared first on AllPsych.

Why Do Religious People Report Higher Rates of Porn Addiction? Mon, 14 Jan 2019 23:53:18 +0000 Pornography addiction is a hot debate (no pun intended!) because it gets at two themes that tend to stir up a lot of moralistic opinions: sex and the growing role of technology in our daily lives. In the media, there has been a rise in the idea that people commonly become addicted to porn in…

The post Why Do Religious People Report Higher Rates of Porn Addiction? first appeared on AllPsych.

The post Why Do Religious People Report Higher Rates of Porn Addiction? appeared first on AllPsych.

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Social Ostracism Linked to Internet Addiction Wed, 26 Dec 2018 23:28:21 +0000 To understand people’s online behavior, it’s worth looking at what’s happening in their offline lives. That’s one takeaway from a new study published in the journal Psychiatry Research showing a relationship between social ostracism and internet addiction. Previous research has suggested that social factors play into excessive internet usage. As the authors point out, studies…

The post Social Ostracism Linked to Internet Addiction first appeared on AllPsych.

The post Social Ostracism Linked to Internet Addiction appeared first on AllPsych.
