Altruism - AllPsych The Virtual Psychology Classroom Thu, 31 Mar 2022 09:08:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Altruism - AllPsych 32 32 Helping Others Makes Toddlers Happy Mon, 27 Jul 2020 23:32:40 +0000 A finding that comes up again and again in psychology research is that people feel better when they take prosocial actions, which is why helping others is one of the best ways of helping yourself. The ability to derive happiness from supporting other people seems to show up early in life. A new study published…

The post Helping Others Makes Toddlers Happy first appeared on AllPsych.

The post Helping Others Makes Toddlers Happy appeared first on AllPsych.

Helping Others Is a Link Between Self-Control and Life Satisfaction Tue, 15 Oct 2019 23:22:45 +0000 Last week, I wrote about the health and mental health benefits of volunteering. Today brings us another study on the theme of helping others being a good way to help yourself. If all this talk about the benefits of helping others is starting to sound a little preachy, don’t blame the messenger! It just happens…

The post Helping Others Is a Link Between Self-Control and Life Satisfaction first appeared on AllPsych.

The post Helping Others Is a Link Between Self-Control and Life Satisfaction appeared first on AllPsych.

Older Adults’ Perceptions of Volunteering Improve When They Try It Sat, 12 Oct 2019 02:26:39 +0000 Volunteering is an activity that seems to have as many benefits for the person doing it as for the people it’s intended to help. This seems to be true starting relatively early in life, with young adults who volunteer more having a greater sense of purpose. However, volunteering has especially been considered as a way…

The post Older Adults’ Perceptions of Volunteering Improve When They Try It first appeared on AllPsych.

The post Older Adults’ Perceptions of Volunteering Improve When They Try It appeared first on AllPsych.

When Do Children Learn to Influence Others With Gifts? Tue, 27 Aug 2019 03:31:05 +0000 Adults give gifts for different reasons, some of which are altruistic, and some of which are less so. One of the less altruistic reasons adults give gifts is when they want something in return. So when do children learn that they can influence other people with gifts? A team of psychologists explored this question in…

The post When Do Children Learn to Influence Others With Gifts? first appeared on AllPsych.

The post When Do Children Learn to Influence Others With Gifts? appeared first on AllPsych.

Unlike Receiving, Giving Never Gets Old Wed, 02 Jan 2019 23:55:50 +0000 When it comes to material goods, people are never quite satisfied with what they have. Eventually, that cool new phone you got for Christmas starts to seem routine. You get a good job, but sooner or later, you start to wish your salary was higher. The mindset of getting things is about always wanting more.…

The post Unlike Receiving, Giving Never Gets Old first appeared on AllPsych.

The post Unlike Receiving, Giving Never Gets Old appeared first on AllPsych.

Is a Need to Contribute Key for Teens? Thu, 20 Dec 2018 22:27:55 +0000 When it comes to the basic psychological needs of adolescence, we often talk about things like becoming more independent and developing a sense of identity. A new paper argues that teenagers have another fundamental psychological need we don’t talk about enough: the need to contribute. Whereas developing autonomy and identity are processes that are focused…

The post Is a Need to Contribute Key for Teens? first appeared on AllPsych.

The post Is a Need to Contribute Key for Teens? appeared first on AllPsych.

Giving Advice Might Be Better Than Receiving It Fri, 05 Oct 2018 17:00:16 +0000 You find yourself in a situation where you’re struggling. You don’t know what to do. Your confidence is starting to flag. Is it time to seek out some advice from other people? Actually, it might be time for you to give advice. In a new paper titled Dear Abby: Should I Give Advice or Receive…

The post Giving Advice Might Be Better Than Receiving It first appeared on AllPsych.

The post Giving Advice Might Be Better Than Receiving It appeared first on AllPsych.
