Work - AllPsych The Virtual Psychology Classroom Thu, 31 Mar 2022 08:54:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Work - AllPsych 32 32 3 Traits That Might Help With Jobs Involving Trauma Sat, 27 Jun 2020 03:47:46 +0000 Certain jobs put an extra burden on the mental health of people who do them because they frequently involve dealing with traumatic situations. Not everyone who does potentially traumatic jobs experiences negative mental health effects, though. So why are some people able to take on these jobs and still enjoy relatively good mental health? A…

The post 3 Traits That Might Help With Jobs Involving Trauma first appeared on AllPsych.

The post 3 Traits That Might Help With Jobs Involving Trauma appeared first on AllPsych.

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Jobs That Involve Dealing With New Information Might Help Brain Health Wed, 22 Apr 2020 02:17:23 +0000 Do you have a job where you regularly find yourself having to take into account and adjust to new information? That can keep you on your toes, but it might also help keep your brain in top shape over time, according to a new study from researchers at Columbia University. In the study, researchers analyzed…

The post Jobs That Involve Dealing With New Information Might Help Brain Health first appeared on AllPsych.

The post Jobs That Involve Dealing With New Information Might Help Brain Health appeared first on AllPsych.

4 Factors That Link Stress to a Decline in Work Ability Tue, 14 Apr 2020 00:08:57 +0000 Some amount of stress is often a part of work, but too much stress can start to interfere with people’s ability to get their work done. An important question is under what conditions stress begins to derail people’s work lives. Understanding that might help with knowing what strategies people can use to cope with stress…

The post 4 Factors That Link Stress to a Decline in Work Ability first appeared on AllPsych.

The post 4 Factors That Link Stress to a Decline in Work Ability appeared first on AllPsych.

“Thank You” Can Change How People See You Sat, 30 Nov 2019 02:22:28 +0000 If your parents told you to always say your thank yous when you were growing up, chances are they understood on some intuitive level that these two simple words carry a lot of power. Now there’s some science to back that idea up. A study published in Journal of General Psychology asked 136 participants to…

The post “Thank You” Can Change How People See You first appeared on AllPsych.

The post “Thank You” Can Change How People See You appeared first on AllPsych.

The Importance of Disconnecting from Work Wed, 21 Aug 2019 02:30:23 +0000 You might think that an ideal worker is one who’s always thinking about their job, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. In fact, taking your work home with you at night, whether literally or inside your head, might be a recipe for burnout. Along these lines, a new study suggests that people who…

The post The Importance of Disconnecting from Work first appeared on AllPsych.

The post The Importance of Disconnecting from Work appeared first on AllPsych.

Would You Rather Be Replaced at Work by Another Human or a Robot? Wed, 07 Aug 2019 23:06:49 +0000 That’s a bleak choice, and it’s exactly the choice researchers in Germany and the Netherlands gave people in a recent study on the psychology of job replacement. OK, the researchers didn’t actually remove people from their jobs for the sake of science. That would be taking it a little far. But they did ask people…

The post Would You Rather Be Replaced at Work by Another Human or a Robot? first appeared on AllPsych.

The post Would You Rather Be Replaced at Work by Another Human or a Robot? appeared first on AllPsych.

Who Plans to Retire Early? Sat, 27 Jul 2019 01:54:24 +0000 Given the option to retire, people will make different decisions about how long to keep working. In order to learn more about how people make retirement decisions, a recent study decided to focus on those who are most eager to close out their careers: adults over 50 who intend to retire before reaching the official…

The post Who Plans to Retire Early? first appeared on AllPsych.

The post Who Plans to Retire Early? appeared first on AllPsych.

Courage Is Key for Entrepreneurs Fri, 17 May 2019 17:00:35 +0000 You need a lot of things to start a business. A good idea, the skills to turn that idea into reality, and some cold, hard cash. Increasingly, psychologists who study entrepreneurship believe you need the right mindset too. They talk about having the “psychological capital” to succeed in a new venture. Psychological capital, or PsyCap…

The post Courage Is Key for Entrepreneurs first appeared on AllPsych.

The post Courage Is Key for Entrepreneurs appeared first on AllPsych.

Gossip as a Workplace Coping Mechanism Mon, 15 Apr 2019 22:56:34 +0000 We typically think of gossip as something frivolous. But “idle gossip” might not be so idle. Gossip can be a social bonding mechanism, and workplace gossip in particular might help people cope with the stresses of the job. In a recent study, researchers looked at how gossiping helps people deal with precarious employment situations. The…

The post Gossip as a Workplace Coping Mechanism first appeared on AllPsych.

The post Gossip as a Workplace Coping Mechanism appeared first on AllPsych.

Can Job Interviews Uncover Narcissism? Wed, 03 Oct 2018 23:33:25 +0000 Woe be to the employer who hires a promising applicant only to discover that they are an exceptional narcissist. The employer isn’t the only one to suffer, either. For example, if the newly hired narcissist turns out to be a doctor, that’s bad news for patients as well. This latter scenario was the inspiration for…

The post Can Job Interviews Uncover Narcissism? first appeared on AllPsych.

The post Can Job Interviews Uncover Narcissism? appeared first on AllPsych.
