Antisocial - AllPsych The Virtual Psychology Classroom Thu, 31 Mar 2022 04:44:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Antisocial - AllPsych 32 32 Psychopaths Don’t Care About Cute Animals Mon, 27 Apr 2020 07:41:36 +0000 Above is a picture of a very cute kitten. Surely that picture warms your heart. If you don’t look at that picture and go “aww,” what kind of person are you, a psychopath? Well, maybe so, says a new study. The authors of the study started with a premise we all know to be true:…

The post Psychopaths Don’t Care About Cute Animals first appeared on AllPsych.

The post Psychopaths Don’t Care About Cute Animals appeared first on AllPsych.

Internet Haters Might Be Psychopaths Wed, 15 Apr 2020 23:33:21 +0000 Spend much time on the internet, and you’ll see that online comment sections can easily degenerate into a swirling, toxic stew of humanity’s worst impulses. Which makes them a perfect subject of study for psychologists. A new study in the journal Frontiers in Psychology picks up on the theme of comment section psychology by looking…

The post Internet Haters Might Be Psychopaths first appeared on AllPsych.

The post Internet Haters Might Be Psychopaths appeared first on AllPsych.

Depression Might Be Part of the Reason Psychopaths Go to Bed Later Wed, 18 Dec 2019 23:26:28 +0000 When the sun sets, all kinds of creatures come out of the woodwork. Owls, bats and … psychopaths? Some previous research suggests that the darker side of human nature really does have an affinity for the darker hours. For example, a 2013 study found that people who prefer to go to sleep and get up…

The post Depression Might Be Part of the Reason Psychopaths Go to Bed Later first appeared on AllPsych.

The post Depression Might Be Part of the Reason Psychopaths Go to Bed Later appeared first on AllPsych.

Physical Punishment, Childhood Maltreatment Linked to Antisocial Behaviors in Adulthood Tue, 29 Jan 2019 00:02:14 +0000 Problematic behaviors in adulthood often have roots in childhood, and a new study of over 36,000 adults in the United States adds more evidence for that idea. In the study, researchers from University of Manitoba looked at whether the type of childhood someone has can predict how likely they are as adults to have symptoms…

The post Physical Punishment, Childhood Maltreatment Linked to Antisocial Behaviors in Adulthood first appeared on AllPsych.

The post Physical Punishment, Childhood Maltreatment Linked to Antisocial Behaviors in Adulthood appeared first on AllPsych.
