Comments on: When Does Hoarding Start? The Virtual Psychology Classroom Tue, 01 Dec 2020 08:01:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Neil Petersen Sat, 13 Apr 2019 20:11:01 +0000 In reply to Yvette Wright.

Hi Yvette. I’m not a mental health professional, but I can tell you what I know about some of the research that’s been done on hoarding. Hoarding, like many mental health conditions, does seem to have a large genetic component. This study suggests that about 50 percent of the variance in whether someone develops compulsive hoarding is down to genetics.

It’s common that people with hoarding behaviors say they don’t have a problem. As I mentioned in this post, hoarding often starts in the teenage years and gets progressively worse with age. Therefore, I’d strongly advise you to meet with a mental health professional about the situation with your daughter. Ideally, this would include your daughter meeting with a mental health professional, but it would also be helpful for you to meet with a mental health professional on how to support your daughter and navigate the situation with her grandparents. Best of luck!

By: Yvette Wright Sat, 13 Apr 2019 19:35:30 +0000 Hello. I was wondering can hoarding be heritiary. Although the child has never lived with the father but are displaying all signs of that from the father. Actually, the grand parents as well. I’m concern that at 15 she will carry this on throughout life. She states as the father and grand parents says they do not have a problem with hoarding. It’s as if they are most satisfied and content when every aspect of a room is in shambles, or turned upside down with stuff(nice things) I’ll add piled and scattered everywhere. The unfortunate of this is when they cannot find something they go out and purchase it again and end up having several of the same item trapped underneath hoardes of stuff lost, collected or denial to get rid of it. I think they all need counseling including my daughter. This will never happen because they are advanced conservative, private southerners. Is there help for my daughter?
