Comments on: What Motivates Conspicuous Consumption? The Virtual Psychology Classroom Wed, 11 Oct 2017 19:35:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: DigiGirl Media, Christy Malone Wed, 11 Oct 2017 19:35:17 +0000 The paper […] showed that men tend to engage in conspicuous consumption when they’re more interested in “short-term” rather than “long-term” mating goals. Along the same lines, women tend to perceive men who engage in conspicuous consumption as more focused on short-term mating. *This is info worth heeding for any gentleman involved in midlife online dating.

I find myself in a position that I never desired – midlife dating. I neither wanted a divorce, expected it, nor had any preparation for what can be a dark and disappointing world of grown adults who have very little interest/knowledge/skills in self-inspection. And sadly, self-inspection truly is the most influential tool we have to create something better than what we’ve experienced in the past.

Of course I can speak only to profiles created by the male population, I find myself sympathetic to the majority of men’s under-utilization of what’s possible within their online profiles. I don’t say this with a critical spirit, as I realize that very little ‘education’ is available to the man seeking to use the only tool available (his profile) to attract the kind of woman he truly desires. He’s left to ‘wing it’ and discuss largely superficial topics, such as hobbies and favorite tv shows, rather than touching on more meaningful issues, even potentially vulnerable mentions of blind spot discoveries, along with strategies to avoid falling back into old behaviors.

As a writer, I’ve toyed with the idea of creating a service of helping men revise their profiles to more realistically reflect their own depth of personality, attracting the quality of women they truly desire. Not every guy would be a candidate, as some lack the foresight to identify a need for any change at all; however, I know from experience that many men feel the same as I and would welcome opportunities for that brief make/break ‘intro’: the profile that can be intriguing enough to warrant immediate interaction to the first-time visitor. *Disclaimer: I would never create a heart-on-sleeve/semi-needy tone to a profile — I’m more savvy than that. 😉 Mainly I’m thinking aloud, but feedback is always welcome in my world 😉
