Comments on: Is Distraction a Healthy Coping Strategy? The Virtual Psychology Classroom Thu, 07 Sep 2017 18:37:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Neil Petersen Thu, 07 Sep 2017 18:37:22 +0000 In reply to Mr Clean.

Thanks for sharing those strategies, Mr. Clean! You’re right, giving the mind a break can be really helpful.

By: Mr Clean Wed, 06 Sep 2017 01:31:50 +0000 The observations about men in stressful work situations seemed like old news to me. 35 years ago I came across some video recordings called “Where there’s a will there’s an A.” I think. It recommended, among other things, to not work on the stressful object, in this case studying for a test, more than 30-45 minutes or so. Then do something for at least 5 minutes that is a complete distraction. Including other aspects of the activity to counter in the distraction period added to the benefits.

For instance, if sitting and studying for 6 hours to pass a college final, every 30-45 minutes, (I can’t remember the time instructions exactly) get up and go for a brisk walk. Get a lot of full breaths. Next time walk to a different area, or play a video game (remember – 5 minutes!) Do some push ups, stretching or yoga. Clear the mind. Don’t think about the material. Move the body. Chat at the water cooler. Efficiency goes up, the ability to absorb and retain material, and all mental processes as well, supposedly using this technique.

It worked for me – I got an ‘A’ every single time! In every single class! Plus it was a lot more fun. I knew I would get the chance to break soon. I was more enthusiastic and able to retain information a lot better. It became an adventure about being creative on maximizing both the mastery of my material and how much fun could I stick in when it was time. I could go on 4, 6, 10 hours like this. But, a more significant break in there for eating and such, but the same priorities of doing something very different from what the prime object demanded.

And at test time, I was totally relaxed and feeling so well prepared, especially compared to most others who were stressing and studying till the last minute. The test was like a victory dance by this point.
