Comments on: More Evidence Linking ADHD to Comorbid Conditions The Virtual Psychology Classroom Mon, 28 Nov 2016 11:46:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Neil Petersen Mon, 28 Nov 2016 11:46:38 +0000 In reply to Andrea Shell.

That’s an interesting way of thinking about it. Thanks for sharing!

By: Andrea Shell Thu, 24 Nov 2016 20:20:40 +0000 I’m ADHD too & Dyslexic too and I have what’s called Hypersensitivity & high functioning.

Personally I think i just have a low bullshit tolerance… what if we are human evolution immune to hyper-normalisation 😉

As they used to say, it’s no measure of health to be well adjusted to a sick world.

By: Neil Petersen Sat, 12 Nov 2016 21:04:16 +0000 In reply to Miriam.

Thanks for sharing your perspective, Miriam. I think you’re right that ADHD can itself contribute to having other disorders, but I also think there are cases where ADHD and other disorders have shared causes without either disorder “causing” the other. For example, people could use drugs and alcohol to cope with ADHD and self-medicate, as you point out. However, people with ADHD and people prone to substance abuse both tend to process rewards atypically, so it’s also plausible that ADHD and substance abuse share underlying biological or genetic risk factors. So far, research hasn’t settled this question — it’s established that ADHD often occurs with comorbid condition but hasn’t pinpointed the reasons for this. Either way, your point about ADHD precipitating other disorders is important to keep in mind for treatment — for example, a lot of people with ADHD+depression will find that treating ADHD is the only way to improve the depression and that treating the depression by itself doesn’t do much.

By: Miriam Sat, 12 Nov 2016 18:40:02 +0000 I’m curious about the wording; “that ADHD so often comes with comorbid conditions…” when the article mainly talks about depression, substance abuse, alcohol abuse, and social fobias.
I’m not sure it “comes with” it as much as ADHD can be the underlying reason for those particular other issues.
Can having ADHD make you depressed? Absolutely, especially if it’s undiagnosed or not properly treated.
Will some of those people turn to drugs and/or alcohol to deal with their feelings? Some surely will.
Can knowing you are different and may say something to embarrass yourself make you avoid Social situations? I know it can.
I have ADHD. I personally know how it can make you feel.
I’m fortunate, I am diagnosed with ADD and treated for it. I have a great sense of humor that allows me (at times) to sit back and just laugh. I don’t drink or smoke, and no unprescribed “medications” for me.
I have also been recently diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. I’m not really surprised. I have three kids and just started college.
Life can feel a bit overwhelming at times.
If you understand WHY you may act a certain way, or do the things you do, it can help a great deal.
