Comments on: 5 Strange Facts About Dreams The Virtual Psychology Classroom Sat, 07 Sep 2019 13:42:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: No Sat, 07 Sep 2019 13:42:23 +0000 In reply to Neil Petersen.

The dreams would probably be too short for a movie lmao

By: Just someone Sun, 28 Jul 2019 02:34:13 +0000 I get lucid dreams like every night. I can just control my mind very well. But let’s say when i was 6 years old and i had a Lucid Dream i was thinking about something scary for no reason and then BOOM there was a Scary Monster who chased me and i didn’t know how to stop it.

By: Penney deckard Thu, 25 Jul 2019 08:20:18 +0000 I wanted to know more about the type of dream I had last night first of all my dreams are as real as if it’s living on earth. So I feel, touch, breath, see everything as I do awake. But only this one time have I ever felt such emotional, scared, hurt, afraid, an so much more with this dream. This young girl named guy they were at a train station an this girl was afraid of this man they were there after hrs an couldn’t get out until am when it was time for am there a pears a older lady the man ends up raping her then killing her the girl stood by lady’s bathroom as she saw this man do crazy terrible bad things to her. The girl left cuz she couldn’t watch anymore. The man came out of bathroom an told the girl he murder the lady. Then there came another lady this one was waiting to catch a train n thought the two were supposed to go with her. The young girl pretended as if she didn’t feel good an asked the lady for the key so so could unlock the door an go home the lady said yes. She gave her the key. As the girl was leaving the man soon follows her. When he got to the girl he told the girl he de gutted the lady! The girl scared saw a street with a couple waiting to cross the couple said something about the house across the street. How it was a known place that people never go to. The girl must of known the house cuz she ran inside the guy follows her. Soon the guy is fronted by a older lady who tells him he needs to go. That the people of the train station will find him he needs to leave the girl alone. . That was my dream all but the last part I left out. So in my dreams I never see faces, I normally know who it is or I guess assumed. But never see a clear face. Right as the lady told the man he needs to leave her alone the first time I’ve ever in my dreams had someone
(( look into my eyes!!!! ))
Her blue eyes stared right at me as if she saw me watching my dream. I woke up that second. Crying., hurt, scared, pain, so much more I felt everything so deep. N her eyes won’t leave my mind. I’m a person who is caring, loving, n wouldn’t hurt no one but I feel this girl as life it was real. So please even thou this might be a lil of odd dream. Please let me know what u think
Thank you

By: A random person Thu, 06 Jun 2019 03:10:01 +0000 I dreamed that an electric cable was stuck on my spine, and my back was constantly in pain in that dream. What does that mean

By: Debbie Cruse Sun, 13 Jan 2019 21:42:07 +0000 I dreamed dreams such as this one. My sister died. I dreamed of her 7 days in a row. Each time she was at school and I couldn’t touch her .
on the 7th Day she walked up to me and I could smell her and touch her. She hugged me and said she had to study before going through the gates of heaven and now she can. She could choose one person to visit and it was niece her daughter had a dream that same night her
Mom went to heaven


By: Wendy Mon, 05 Nov 2018 07:04:56 +0000 In reply to Elaine.

I have heard that sometimes you so deeply asleep that you go into a form of coma. Terrible nightmares are your brain’s way of waking you up.

By: Neil Petersen Tue, 29 Mar 2016 10:56:24 +0000 In reply to Tara.

I’ve had the one about flying but not being able to get back to the ground! I’m also afraid of heights, which seems related — but getting a job where I had no choice but to work in high places helped with that.

By: Tara Mon, 28 Mar 2016 21:51:56 +0000 I’ve had a lot of night terrors throughout my life, but it’s been a very traumatic life. For decades I would dream that I was being chased, but I could fly. I was very good at flying, actually, but always afraid that I would fly too high, and not be able to return to the ground. There was always a wind that gave me the lift I needed to fly. I also dreamed many times that I was trying to dial a phone, but it was on an old-fashioned phone where you stuck your finger in the hole where the numbers are, but the holes and numbers were not lined up at all, and there was no way to figure out how to dial the number I needed. Very frustrating! Lastly, I was attempting to yell for help, but the only thing that came out of my mouth were the letter, HELP, no sound. This was a recurring dream, for decades, but one night I actually yelled “Help” out loud, and never again had the dream.

By: Neil Petersen Fri, 18 Mar 2016 12:04:50 +0000 In reply to Kevin.

90% sounds like an excellent success rate. I’ll have to give the positive fantasies thing a shot!

By: Neil Petersen Fri, 18 Mar 2016 12:03:19 +0000 In reply to Elaine.

I’ve had a handful of exceptionally vivid dreams that have stayed with me. They have tended to be during times when I’ve been not sleeping enough or sleeping on a weird schedule, so I think of them as my brain going into “overdrive” trying to catch up on sleep.
