Comments for AllPsych The Virtual Psychology Classroom Thu, 31 Mar 2022 07:59:57 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Listening Alone or With Others Changes the Effects of Music by Rebecca Gardner Tue, 01 Sep 2020 18:30:31 +0000 It was interesting when you explained that listening to music with others enhances its stress reduction, but listening to it alone makes the emotional effects more powerful. I’ve been thinking about finding some independent music artists to support since I think that would be a great way to get more involved in the arts. Thanks for teaching me the best way to go about listening to new music depending on the effects I want it to have!

Comment on How Your Beliefs About Free Will Shape Your Decisions by Sikalengo Sun, 12 Jul 2020 05:54:52 +0000 In reply to Neil Petersen.

A very interesting perspective. But I have been thinking on it , like how if you put your thoughts aside, so you think people who might interrupt for your decision ss can’t make mistake at all? , and how can you billieve others thought while they are the same as you do,? I think it is better to have a free will , so that pple can notice your mistakes and correct you

Comment on A Psychological Profile of the “Class Clown” by James Pelesky Sat, 04 Jul 2020 15:41:16 +0000 As a class clown I consider [the greats] Carlin, Winters, and Williams possessed an unusual gift/curse to immediately drop a preconceived perception of an idea, phrase, picture etc., thought generating object take for granted only what you must, and carve out a new interpretation that is ridiculous. Does this explanation sound ridiculous ??? … Well …

Comment on 3 Traits That Might Help With Jobs Involving Trauma by Tamarac Rehab Tue, 30 Jun 2020 09:52:32 +0000 Although this is not fully understood, it is even intuitively clear that such three qualities as Internal locus of control, Sense of coherence and Resilience significantly help employees in different fields to better deal with emotional difficulties. In such work, it is important to be able to quickly recover from the bad and not to take it all to heart. It may sound cruel, but if everyone worries about all the patients and victims, then we will be depressed all the time. It should be separated from their feelings. Good luck!

Comment on Optical Illusions That Predict Schizophrenia by starlight Sat, 25 Apr 2020 21:58:57 +0000 ive been diagnosed with Schizophrenia will it get worse is it safe to be around others ?what type of at home therapy activities can i do due to the recent quarantine from the corona virus?should i take medication to deal with it ? what advice can you give me ?where do i turn to? am i alone? i have so many questions………..

Comment on Why Flipping a Coin Is a Good Way to Decide by gavin Wed, 15 Apr 2020 03:28:54 +0000 I like it and I didnt like the outcome so makes perfect sense to me.If I got the right side of the coin I would of been haappy,but I didnt and I wasn’t happy.Deciding between 2 lawyers with a coin toss…? wish me luck.

Comment on Perfectionism Can Interfere With Seeking Psychological Help by Neil Petersen Mon, 06 Apr 2020 19:06:44 +0000 In reply to Jamie Derksen.

I really appreciate that, Jamie! I’ve found that learning about research being done on mental health topics is helpful for coping and looking at things in a more scientific way, and it’s great to hear that these posts are able to help someone else have that experience as well. 🙂

Comment on Excessive Daydreaming Linked to Several Mental Health Conditions by Jamie Derksen Fri, 03 Apr 2020 00:48:15 +0000 In reply to Muiz.

I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this, it’s not fair 🙁

I do not enjoy anything in life either, except my children. Everything else leaves me distracted and depressed. I cannot focus on anything except my constant intrusive thoughts, 24/7. I have no quality of life anymore. So many horrible, unjust things have happened to me that I can’t stop obsessing about them and my inability to make things better. It’s a vicious cycle! I’m depressed and insecure (outside of motherhood) therefore nothing brings me joy. The lack of joy makes me insecure and depressed and I don’t know how to break the cycle. I’m on one mood stabilizer and one mild anti depressant and the only thing they help with is the mood swings (bipolar II) so now I’m a complete zombie plus I’ve gained 50 lbs from a fibromyalgia drug that I have to take to function. Again the vicious cycle; I think I’m disgusting and want to cry when I look in the mirror but I’m 44 years old and it’s too much work, and pain, to get in shape. So again, I feel like I’m totally disgusting therefore that adds to my depression and loneliness. I refuse to date after being single for 5 years because I obsess about being pathetic.

I need therapy and will hopefully start soon. I believe you could benefit from the same. I wish you well

Comment on Excessive Daydreaming Linked to Several Mental Health Conditions by Jamie Derksen Fri, 03 Apr 2020 00:38:23 +0000 In reply to Smokythebear.

I agree 100%!! I’m sorry that you had to deal with all of that abuse, it makes me sick to think about.

I had to grow up in a terrible, neglectful, abusive (sexual abuse for 3 long years ages 5-8 and watched mom get beaten unconscious right in front of me), mentally unstable, addict/alcoholic household and those are not even all of the struggles.

I read books constantly to drift away from reality, and also turned into a bit of a daydreamer/worrier at a very young age. Maybe I was more of a worrier now that I think about it. But I did read books to the extreme, sometimes reading the same book ten times just to ignore real life.

Comment on Perfectionism Can Interfere With Seeking Psychological Help by Jamie Derksen Fri, 03 Apr 2020 00:29:07 +0000 I love the information contained in these posts. It helps raise my self esteem to know I’m not alone. The scientific data allows my negative thoughts to be squashed so I’m able to focus on the facts. I find myself engulfed in these articles due to the fact that I have mental health issues and so do so many people around me. I’m able to understand myself and others better therefore it makes my life a little easier. Reading this information leaves me educated and more confident. Thank you!
