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Extraversion: Can You Fake It 'Til You Make It?

Extraversion: Can You Fake It ‘Til You Make It?

Our society tends to value people who are social, outgoing, and action-oriented – that is, extraverts. Indeed, there’s plenty to like about being extraverted. Extraverts enjoy higher levels of happiness on average, ...
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Practicing Music Is Associated With a Sharper Brain Later in Life

Practicing Music Is Associated With a Sharper Brain Later in Life

If you want your brain to stay in good form as the years add up, be sure to keep a healthy diet, exercise frequently, and … play a musical instrument? A new ...
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Adverse Childhood Experiences Influence Life Satisfaction in Adulthood

Adverse Childhood Experiences Influence Life Satisfaction in Adulthood

We know that childhood experiences lay the foundation for mental health in adulthood. But is it possible to determine what consequences a single traumatic event in childhood might have for long-term psychological ...
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Untangling the Relationship Between Autism and Schizophrenia

Untangling the Relationship Between Autism and Schizophrenia

Autism is a condition that psychiatrists have never known how exactly to categorize. The debate over how to define the condition has played out again in each new version of the DSM, ...
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Do Early Developmental Milestones Predict Intelligence in Middle Age?

Do Early Developmental Milestones Predict Intelligence in Middle Age?

Will a baby who says their first words at a precocious age go on to have a sharp mind at 50? The idea that signs of future intelligence can be spotted in ...
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Music as a Sleep Aid

Music as a Sleep Aid

"Turn up the music, I’m trying to sleep!" It’s not a phrase you’re likely to hear, but it’s one that apparently describes many people’s bedtime routines. Music is a popular sleep aid, ...
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/ / Health Psychology, Music, Sleep
Dark Personality Traits and Internet Usage

Dark Personality Traits and Internet Usage

It’s a common recognition these days that the internet has a dark side. The anonymity, lack of face-to-face interaction, and low amount of effort required are all a natural fit for the ...
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Teaching Makes a Difference in Whether Students See Classes as Easy or Hard

Teaching Makes a Difference in Whether Students See Classes as Easy or Hard

It’s a common recognition on college campuses that one course might be an "easy A" while another strikes fear into the heart of even the most capable student. But what exactly makes ...
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How Much of Life Is Spent Mind-Wandering?

How Much of Life Is Spent Mind-Wandering?

The human mind is hard to pin down. It goes where it wants, not necessarily where it’s supposed to, and it’s averse to sitting still. But how much does the mind wander? ...
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Children With Warm Parents Flourish as Adults

Children With Warm Parents Flourish as Adults

What makes a good parent? That’s a complex question, maybe an impossible one. But warmth doesn’t seem to hurt. A new study from researchers at Harvard University suggests that children who experience ...
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