General Psychology

High School Background Might Have More to Do With College Success Than Intelligence or Personality

High School Background Might Have More to Do With College Success Than Intelligence or Personality

A growing theme in education research is that having the right personality traits is as important as intelligence in academic success. Smarts help, but they aren't necessarily enough if you want an ...
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/ / General Psychology
Mindfulness, Reappraisal, Emotion Suppression: Which Coping Strategies Work?

Mindfulness, Reappraisal, Emotion Suppression: Which Coping Strategies Work?

People use different coping strategies to deal with stressful events, and some people use coping strategies more than others. Three techniques for keeping perspective through the ups and downs of life that ...
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/ / General Psychology
Study Looks at Cat Body Language

Study Looks at Cat Body Language

Just try running a behavioral study on cats. It's like, well, herding cats. For the sake of scientific progress, though, a team of Finnish researchers did it anyway, trying to determine: are ...
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/ / General Psychology
"Aha" Moments Can Be More Accurate Than Analysis

“Aha” Moments Can Be More Accurate Than Analysis

When you're trying to solve a problem, there are a couple ways you can get to a solution. Sometimes you have to fight your way forward one step at a time. Other ...
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/ / General Psychology
How to Eat Chocolate for Optimal Happiness

How to Eat Chocolate for Optimal Happiness

If you think psychologists don't do enough research with practical applications, you've got another think coming. A team of researchers from Gettysburg College have just published a study on a topic we ...
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/ / General Psychology
Watching Yourself Makes You Think Everyone Else Is Watching You Too

Watching Yourself Makes You Think Everyone Else Is Watching You Too

Ever feel like everyone's looking at you? More often than not, no one is paying as much attention to you as you're paying to yourself. But we're not always good at differentiating ...
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/ / General Psychology
The Woman Who Tramples on You in Your Sleep: Sleep Paralysis in Folklore

The Woman Who Tramples on You in Your Sleep: Sleep Paralysis in Folklore

Sleep paralysis is about as much fun as it sounds like. It refers to a state people can experience while falling asleep or waking up where they are conscious but can't move ...
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/ / General Psychology
Body Image Affects Quality of Life

Body Image Affects Quality of Life

It's no secret that having a negative body image can lower your self-esteem and make you depressed. But a team of researchers from Turkey recently decided to ask a question that took ...
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/ / General Psychology
Narcissism and Self-Esteem Affect Autobiographical Memories Differently

Narcissism and Self-Esteem Affect Autobiographical Memories Differently

You can only trust your memory so far. Our brains are pretty good at saving the information that lines up with the way we see the world and discarding the rest. Based ...
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/ / General Psychology
Music Can Improve People's Hospital Experiences

Music Can Improve People’s Hospital Experiences

Imagine you've just gotten out of a stressful surgical procedure, and you're now recovering in the hospital. What do you want more than anything? Just some peace and quiet, right? Well, peace, ...
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/ / General Psychology