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Mindfulness Exercises Can Help With Anxiety, Depression

Mindfulness Exercises Can Help With Anxiety, Depression

Can mindfulness exercises by themselves help with symptoms of anxiety and depression? The answer is yes, according to a new meta-review of 18 studies on the topic. In the meta-review, researchers looked ...
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/ / General Psychology
Changes in Rejection Sensitivity Predict Young Adults' Relationship Quality

Changes in Rejection Sensitivity Predict Young Adults’ Relationship Quality

No one likes being rejected. In many situations, though, our ability to build fulfilling relationships depends on being able to get past our fear of rejection. As it turns out, sensitivity to ...
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/ / General Psychology
Teens Make Safe Decisions When Mom's Watching

Teens Make Safe Decisions When Mom’s Watching

Teenagers can get a kick out of taking risks, but all that seems to change when they’re with mom. According to a new study, the adolescent brain processes risk and reward differently ...
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/ / General Psychology
How to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions

How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

Another year, another chance to fantasize about how much you’ll improve your life this year and then forget all your New Year’s resolutions by the time you get a week into January ...
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/ / General Psychology
Why Materialists Flock to Facebook

Why Materialists Flock to Facebook

If you use social media regularly, you probably know that there there are good sides and bad sides that come with the level of hyperconnectedness that sites like Facebook make possible. On ...
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/ / General Psychology
3 Psychology Studies on Gift Giving

3 Psychology Studies on Gift Giving

What’s the best gift to get someone, is it OK to regift that ugly sweater your aunt got you for Christmas, and can science solve all your gift giving problems? Answers: I ...
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/ / General Psychology
Entrepreneurship and Age

Entrepreneurship and Age

What makes a person decide to strike out on their own and start a business? The answer may depend on that person’s age. Several psychology studies have shed light on how entrepreneurial ...
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/ / General Psychology
Schizophrenia and Happiness

Schizophrenia and Happiness

Schizophrenia is one of the most well-researched mental health conditions. Various studies have looked in depth at the genetic underpinnings of the disorder, the cognitive traits associated with it, and the most ...
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/ / General Psychology
Male Attractiveness: Is It All in the Upper Body?

Male Attractiveness: Is It All in the Upper Body?

It's one thing to judge someone's attractiveness based only on their looks, without considering their personality or non-physical traits. But researchers from Australia and the United States went a step further: they ...
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Feelings of Nostalgia Boost Optimism

Feelings of Nostalgia Boost Optimism

If you want to feel more optimistic about what the future holds, sometimes it helps to look at the past. That’s because taking a minute to bask in nostalgic memories can make ...
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/ / General Psychology