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Can Dying in Virtual Reality Change Your Life?

Can Dying in Virtual Reality Change Your Life?

Many people who have near-death experiences report coming away with a new perspective on their lives. From a scientific standpoint, we don’t know much about how this works because it’s hard to ...
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Labels Can Help or Hurt People With Mental Health Conditions

Labels Can Help or Hurt People With Mental Health Conditions

Labels are a tricky part of mental health awareness. On one hand, no one wants to be reduced to a label. On the other hand, labels give us a language to talk ...
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/ / Clinical Psychology
Shyness Is Related to Thinking About Thinking

Shyness Is Related to Thinking About Thinking

Feelings of shyness can come with all kinds of thoughts. Worries, doubts, rumination. But a new study by researchers in Italy suggests it goes deeper than that: shyness might also have to ...
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/ / General Psychology
Spooky Science: The Psychology of Paranormal Beliefs

Spooky Science: The Psychology of Paranormal Beliefs

Long-time readers of this blog will know that I can take the fun out of almost any holiday. For Thanksgiving, I’ve written about the advantages of being ungrateful and the inner lives ...
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Can Natural Sounds Recharge the Brain?

Can Natural Sounds Recharge the Brain?

Buy a CD of music for relaxation, and there’s a good chance it’ll feature running water, chirping birds and rustling leaves. Instinctively, it makes sense to us that the sounds of nature ...
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Materialism and Gambling

Materialism and Gambling

There are different ways we can talk about gambling. For example, we can talk about the way it’s similar to other compulsive and addictive behaviors. But one aspect we talk about surprisingly ...
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What Sets Adults With Autism Who Have Savant Skills Apart?

What Sets Adults With Autism Who Have Savant Skills Apart?

Occasionally, people with autism have special abilities where they are able to far outperform others. They might be able to perform feats of memory, create incredibly realistic works of art, or tell ...
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The Science of Having Sex With Your Ex

The Science of Having Sex With Your Ex

Some psychology studies provide practical insights with obvious applications in everyday life. Today brings an example of one of those studies, in the form of a paper titled Pursuing Sex With an ...
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Mistaking Narcissism for Self-Esteem Might Explain Why People Are Drawn to Narcissists

Mistaking Narcissism for Self-Esteem Might Explain Why People Are Drawn to Narcissists

If I asked you to list five traits you value in your friends, narcissism probably won’t make the cut. Yet narcissists are often able to make a good impression and draw people ...
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Facebook Posts Can Predict Depression Risk

Facebook Posts Can Predict Depression Risk

We tend to curate our Facebook profiles to control the image we project. But a new study suggests that when it comes to mental health, our Facebook posts might be more revealing ...
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