General Psychology

4 Things You Didn't Know About Tourette Syndrome

4 Things You Didn’t Know About Tourette Syndrome

Tourette Syndrome is a disorder that involves physical and vocal tics. It appears to affect about 0.5 percent of all children and often improves in adulthood. People with Tourette Syndrome frequently have ...
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Why Your Rituals Matter

Why Your Rituals Matter

Every society has rituals to guide people through life stages like reaching adulthood, marriage and death. People also have personal rituals and habits that they stick to without always knowing why. Many ...
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Recovering Drug Users May Be Happiest at Work

Recovering Drug Users May Be Happiest at Work

If I ask you to name a place you wish you were right now, work wouldn't necessarily be the first thing to come to mind. But for some people, work can be ...
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The Effects of Imposter Syndrome

The Effects of Imposter Syndrome

Ever feel like you're a fraud? Like you don't deserve your accomplishments? Like you just got lucky, or maybe fooled people into thinking you're better than you really are? Like you could ...
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When Do Anxiety Disorders Begin?

When Do Anxiety Disorders Begin?

Although everyone feels nervous at times, for some people anxiety spreads through their lives and starts causing them real problems. According to one study with over nine thousand participants, about 18 percent ...
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How Does Schizophrenia Affect Life Satisfaction?

How Does Schizophrenia Affect Life Satisfaction?

That might sound like a silly question. Of course having a mental illness is going to lower life satisfaction. But how much? Does having a mental illness doom you to never enjoying ...
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Your Colleagues Are More Likely to Be Jerks on This Day of the Week

Your Colleagues Are More Likely to Be Jerks on This Day of the Week

It's Monday. Of course it's Monday. In a study published this month in Anxiety, Stress & Coping, researchers from Macquarie University in Australia looked at how workplace incivility fluctuates over the course ...
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4 Ways TV Influences Your Beliefs

4 Ways TV Influences Your Beliefs

If I asked you why you believe the things you do, your first response probably wouldn't be "because of TV." But TV is a way we get information about the world, even ...
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4 Studies That Show the Difference Between Shame and Guilt

4 Studies That Show the Difference Between Shame and Guilt

Guilt and shame often get lumped together, but there's an essential difference between the two: guilt is about what you did while shame is about who you are. Feeling bad about your ...
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When Opposites Don't Attract

When Opposites Don’t Attract

Old cliches notwithstanding, people often seek out partners similar to themselves in many ways. Researchers call this phenomenon "assortative mating." Perhaps mercifully, people are more likely to end up with partners who ...
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