Clinical Psychology & Mental Health

Stigma Toward Borderline Personality Disorder Is Improving

Stigma Toward Borderline Personality Disorder Is Improving

People with borderline personality disorder struggle with symptoms that range from fear of abandonment to difficulties with emotion regulation to self-harm. Unfortunately, they’ve also traditionally struggled with another problem: stigma from mental ...
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Emotional Skills Can Undo the Link Between Stress and Cardiovascular Health

Emotional Skills Can Undo the Link Between Stress and Cardiovascular Health

Ongoing stress is looking like an increasingly guilty suspect in sabotaging people’s health. The American Psychological Association now cites chronic stress as a risk factor for heath disease, high blood pressure and ...
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The Roles of Shame and Guilt in Anxiety

The Roles of Shame and Guilt in Anxiety

Psychology researchers have become increasingly interested in the idea that people who are more prone to feelings of shame and guilt are at higher risk for mental health conditions like anxiety disorders ...
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Being Especially Scrupulous Could Raise Risk for Hoarding

Being Especially Scrupulous Could Raise Risk for Hoarding

Ever bought something and then never gotten around to using it? Most of us don’t like that feeling. We naturally don’t want to see things go to waste. For some of us, ...
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The Personality of a Team Player

The Personality of a Team Player

If you’re looking for someone who is good at teamwork, your ideal candidate is probably extraverted, agreeable and conscientious – but not too extraverted, agreeable or conscientious, according to a new study ...
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Why Caring Too Much About Power Leads to Unhappiness

Why Caring Too Much About Power Leads to Unhappiness

Some things in life, like building genuine connections with other people or having a job you love, can lead to an ongoing sense of happiness. Other things, like chasing power and money, ...
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How Personality Relates to Sexuality

How Personality Relates to Sexuality

Someone's personality can tell you how they approach all sorts of different things in life, including sex. But how exactly do personality and sexuality relate to each other? That's the question psychologists ...
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What Do Your Media Habits Say About Your Personality and Mental Health?

What Do Your Media Habits Say About Your Personality and Mental Health?

Here’s a shocking finding: going on the Internet might correlate with good mental health. And if you don’t find that shocking, you probably don’t spend enough time on the Internet. That finding ...
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The Dangers of Comparing Yourself to Others on Social Media

The Dangers of Comparing Yourself to Others on Social Media

Social media makes a lot of things easier. Keeping up with old friends. Sharing your vacation pictures. Comparing yourself to other people. It’s that last one that could be causing problems, according ...
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Teen Social Media Use – Is there a Mental Health Risk?

Teen Social Media Use – Is there a Mental Health Risk?

The use of smartphones, social media, and messaging apps are now ubiquitous in modern life for teens ages 13-17. The rates of usage in recent years are staggering and continue to grow; ...
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