Clinical Psychology & Mental Health

A Psychological Profile of the "Class Clown"

A Psychological Profile of the “Class Clown”

When you were in middle school, you could probably name without having to think who the "class clown" was. If you’re a middle school teacher, bless your heart, you can probably do ...
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6 Types of Shoplifters

6 Types of Shoplifters

Shoplifting is a behavior that, besides being ethically questionable, doesn’t seem like a very good risk-reward trade-off. Naturally, when psychologists see people engaged in that kind of activity, they ask: why? As ...
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When Does Hoarding Start?

When Does Hoarding Start?

Hoarding disorder is a condition in which people compulsively acquire possessions that they then find themselves unable to discard. Hoarding can harm people’s health, their relationship with others, and their everyday functioning, ...
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Are People With Social Anxiety Afraid of Positive Feedback?

Are People With Social Anxiety Afraid of Positive Feedback?

The way we typically think about it, social anxiety involves a fear of being evaluated negatively by other people. Which is true. But an interesting line of research suggests that people with ...
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Teens With Anxiety Disorders Tell Their Life Stories Differently

Teens With Anxiety Disorders Tell Their Life Stories Differently

Our mental health is often tied up in how we see the relationship between the past, present and future. For that reason, how we tell our life stories can say something about ...
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Absolutist Language Can Predict Anxiety, Depression and Suicidal Ideation

Absolutist Language Can Predict Anxiety, Depression and Suicidal Ideation

The internet has given psychologists new opportunities to study subtle differences in the way people use language, and whether those differences can predict which people are most at risk for mental health ...
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Can a Game Fight Mental Health Stigma?

Can a Game Fight Mental Health Stigma?

For the progress we’ve made in mental health awareness, there’s still plenty of stigma lingering around. Stigma can be overt, such as in believing that people with mental health conditions are dangerous ...
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Quitting Smoking Can Set Off a Chain Reaction of Positive Mental Health Changes

Quitting Smoking Can Set Off a Chain Reaction of Positive Mental Health Changes

There are obvious physical health benefits that come with giving up tobacco, but it turns out there are some mental health benefits too. Researchers have consistently found a link between quitting smoking ...
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Physical Punishment, Childhood Maltreatment Linked to Antisocial Behaviors in Adulthood

Physical Punishment, Childhood Maltreatment Linked to Antisocial Behaviors in Adulthood

Problematic behaviors in adulthood often have roots in childhood, and a new study of over 36,000 adults in the United States adds more evidence for that idea. In the study, researchers from ...
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Why Do Religious People Report Higher Rates of Porn Addiction?

Why Do Religious People Report Higher Rates of Porn Addiction?

Pornography addiction is a hot debate (no pun intended!) because it gets at two themes that tend to stir up a lot of moralistic opinions: sex and the growing role of technology ...
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