Search results for: covid
COVID-19 Might Be Changing People’s Intentions of Becoming Parents
The new way of life brought about by the current pandemic has many people rethinking their long-term plans, and that may include reevaluating their desire to have children. According to a new study in the Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology, the effect of COVID-19 on people’s intention of having kids might work in both…
Read MoreThe Mental Health Unknowns of COVID-19
For people around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has meant a major disruption to familiar ways of life. With changes being implemented rapid-fire in response to the immediate need to slow the spread of COVID-19, relatively little is known about what the long-term, secondary consequences of those changes will be. When it comes to mental…
Read MoreModernizing Maslow’s Hierarchy through the Lens of Self-Care
Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) is one of the founders of Humanistic Psychology. Along with Carl Rogers (1902-1987), Maslow stressed the importance of looking at the whole person rather than reducing individuals to a list of symptoms or diagnoses. Both also placed a central focus on the concept of self-actualization, or the belief that humans possess an…
Read MoreWe are More Lonely than Ever. Find out Why and How to Counter It.
We are more connected and more lonely than ever. And this seems to be true across sex, age, race, and income. The COVID-19 pandemic has played a significant role in fostering disconnection among individuals, leading many of us to be less inclined to re-engage socially at the same level as before. Loneliness doesn’t typically travel…
Read MoreMedia Literacy and Modern Technology
Media Psychology Technology, including social and other forms of media, is often considered neutral – its value is determined by how we use it (see Social Media is Related to Both Ill-Being and Well-Being). Finding a social group online that understands you can be a positive, life-changing, and even life-saving experience. However, becoming consumed with…
Read MorePost-Traumatic Growth: An Introduction
We know that psychological trauma exists and that it can have devastating effects on individuals, families, and communities. Trauma has impacted us since humans existed, and according to the National Center for PTSD at the US Department of Veterans Affairs, it has impacted us in a similar fashion across time. When first introduced in the…
Read MoreSpotlight on Self-Care
Self-care is the process of reducing stress and ill-being and improving health and well-being. It is about countering the forces that deplete us and building the forces that nourish or strengthen us. Self-care is important to healthy psychological functioning and has become especially vital in the age of COVID-19. Like all animals, human beings are preprogrammed…
Read MoreTHRIVE Research
THRIVE Research THRIVE Research AllPsych sponsors research aimed at understanding how individuals, families, and communities thrive. Make sure to check out our THRIVE Blog and THRIVE Courses pages too. There are Currently No Open Research Projects Please check back with us or REGISTER to get notified when new studies open. The at Antioch University…
Read MoreHow to Enforce Social Distancing? Your Answer Might Depend on Who’s Breaking the Rules
An ethical question raised by the pandemic is what to do about people who don’t take it upon themselves to follow public health recommendations. Generally, there are two approaches: educate people and punish them. The first involves informing people about the consequences of not following public health advice while the second is about imposing penalties…
Read MoreThe Most and Least Enjoyable Daily Activities During Quarantine
Finding activities that bring positive emotions into your life has always been important, but it gained a new urgency when daily life was turned upside down by the pandemic. With lockdowns going into effect, everyday activities like working and socializing started to look different than they had before for many people. And some entirely new,…
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