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Online Interventions Can Smooth Divorce

Online Interventions Can Smooth Divorce

Marriages can go south for a variety of reasons, but whatever the cause, the effect can include damage to one’s mental health. Regular readers of the AllPsych blog might recall a study ...
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Some Types of Sedentary Behavior Might Be Worse Than Others for Mental Health

Some Types of Sedentary Behavior Might Be Worse Than Others for Mental Health

Here’s a question that’s still up for debate among psychology researchers: just how bad is sitting around, really? On one hand, there’s a definite connection between sedentary behavior and mental health risks ...
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Not Judging Your Own Thoughts as an Element of Happiness

Not Judging Your Own Thoughts as an Element of Happiness

There’s no formula for happiness, but something that apparently helps is not being too judgmental toward your own thoughts and feelings. A recent study from researchers in Spain highlights the role that ...
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Can Psychology Research Make Us Healthier Eaters?

Can Psychology Research Make Us Healthier Eaters?

Healthy diet isn’t just a topic for doctors and medical researchers. There’s a psychological component to the question of why people maintain knowingly maintain unhealthy eating habits, and what might prompt people ...
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Developing a Sense of Purpose in High School

Developing a Sense of Purpose in High School

With a strong sense of purpose in life tend to come a range of cognitive, mental health, and possibly even physical health benefits, as I’ve written about before. A more complex question ...
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Switching Off Your Phone Half an Hour Before Bed Might Improve Sleep, Memory

Switching Off Your Phone Half an Hour Before Bed Might Improve Sleep, Memory

I’m not going to bother telling you not to use your phone before bed. Partly because you’ve probably heard that advice before, and partly because it would be hypocritical of me to ...
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Who Drives Fancy Cars?

Who Drives Fancy Cars?

When I see someone driving a fancy car, I generally assume two things about them: They have a lot of money They want you to know they have a lot money Maybe ...
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What Friendships Can Do for Mental Health in Old Age

What Friendships Can Do for Mental Health in Old Age

It seems self-evident that having rewarding social connections should be able to help with healthy aging, but framing that intuition in a scientific way turns out to be surprisingly complicated. There are ...
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Short Interval Between Children Ups Risk of Divorce

Short Interval Between Children Ups Risk of Divorce

We all like a fairytale love story, but psychologists are just as interested in stories about marriages that fall apart. That much is clear from a study I wrote about last year, ...
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When People Lie Because the Truth is Unbelievable

When People Lie Because the Truth is Unbelievable

From white lies to more malicious fibs, people bend or hide the truth for a variety of reasons. One of those reasons, it turns out, is that sometimes the truth is so ...
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