General Psychology

Are Stoners More Creative?

Are Stoners More Creative?

Let’s talk about creativity, man. In 2012, residents of Washington state voted to make recreational marijuana illegal. This year, researchers from Washington State University published a study aiming to clarify the relationship ...
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/ / General Psychology
A Profile of the "Lone Wolf" Terrorist

A Profile of the “Lone Wolf” Terrorist

Terrorist attacks perpetrated by people acting alone come seemingly out of nowhere, but they have the potential to cause devastating loss. Recently, a group of researchers from the Netherlands and the United ...
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/ / General Psychology
Learning How to Learn in College

Learning How to Learn in College

One of the most important things people learn in college may be … how to learn. It’s hard to learn anything, obviously, if you don’t know how to learn. OK, I’m simplifying ...
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/ / General Psychology
Exercise Reduces Stress Response

Exercise Reduces Stress Response

It looks like we may be able to add a less extreme stress response to the list of benefits associated with physical activity. A new study published in the journal Anxiety, Stress ...
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/ / General Psychology
Can You Judge Someone by How They Say "Hello"?

Can You Judge Someone by How They Say “Hello”?

People generally aren’t slow to form first impressions of each other. In fact, it turns out we jump to all sorts of conclusions based only on how someone says "hello." Trustworthiness is ...
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/ / General Psychology
Self-Control Training Could Improve Depression

Self-Control Training Could Improve Depression

People who are experiencing depression have more trouble self-regulating as well as exerting control over their own thoughts and actions. It’s possible, then, that honing peoples self-control could reduce their depressive symptoms ...
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/ / General Psychology
Social Skills Training Can Reshape the Brain

Social Skills Training Can Reshape the Brain

The human brain is amazingly plastic. It adapts when we learn new skills – and sometimes, when we stop using and forget old ones. Recently, a group of researchers from Germany and ...
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/ / General Psychology
Listening Alone or With Others Changes the Effects of Music

Listening Alone or With Others Changes the Effects of Music

If you want to listen to some music, you have plenty of options for how to do it: alone or with others, live or on a recording. And as it turns out, ...
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/ / General Psychology
Telling Apart Grandiose and Vulnerable Narcissism

Telling Apart Grandiose and Vulnerable Narcissism

Grandiose narcissism isn’t so hard to spot – just give a grandiose narcissist enough time, and they’ll probably make it clear that they think they’re pretty great. Vulnerable narcissism is a little ...
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/ / General Psychology
The Signs of a Budding Psychopath

The Signs of a Budding Psychopath

Every adult psychopath was once a child. But was every adult psychopath once a child psychopath? The verdict is still out on how and when psychopathy emerges, but it does appear that ...
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/ / General Psychology