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The Science Doesn’t Lie: 10 Surprising Facts About Deception

I've been following the US presidential primary elections pretty closely lately, and I woke up this morning thinking I should research an article about lying and deception for AllPsych. Funny how that ...
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/ / General Psychology
What Do Happy People Tweet About?

What Do Happy People Tweet About?

Think 140 characters can't say much about you? There are some psychologists out there who disagree with you. In a new study, researchers took to Twitter to analyze the differences between tweets ...
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/ / General Psychology
Everything You Need to Know About Flow

Everything You Need to Know About Flow

Imagine being totally absorbed in an activity you enjoy. Time melts away. You lose your sense of self-consciousness. You're in the zone. Mihály Csíkszentmihályi popularized the idea of "flow," the state of ...
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/ / General Psychology
In Online Dating, Order Affects Attraction

In Online Dating, Order Affects Attraction

Good news if the cruel world of online dating has you down. In a new study, researchers from University of Sydney have given everyone who's ever been rejected online a ready-made rationalization ...
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/ / General Psychology
Group Drumming Can Improve Mental Health, Reduce Inflammation

Group Drumming Can Improve Mental Health, Reduce Inflammation

Who doesn't love some good music? Well, actually there are people who legitimately dislike music. But for most of us, listening to music feels good and releases dopamine in our brains. There's ...
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/ / General Psychology
5 Strange Facts About Dreams

5 Strange Facts About Dreams

Dreams are weird. Everyone knows that. But the truth is that dreams are even weirder than most people realize. Although scientists still aren't sure why people dream, they've discovered some interesting things ...
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/ / General Psychology
Yes, Turns Out Everyone Really Is Judging Your Typos

Yes, Turns Out Everyone Really Is Judging Your Typos

Just emailed someone wishing them a "happy birhtday"? You can consider that friendship finished. Researchers from University of Michigan have just released the results of a study looking at the vitally important ...
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/ / General Psychology
Hollow Mask Illusion

Optical Illusions That Predict Schizophrenia

You might already know that possible symptoms of schizophrenia can include delusions and hallucinations. But did you know that in some situations people with schizophrenia actually have a better grasp on reality ...
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A Psychological Profile of an Abusive Boss

A Psychological Profile of an Abusive Boss

Researchers working to determine whether abusive bosses share certain personality traits have ended up with some unexpected findings. Going into the study, the team of psychologists from University of Cambridge in the ...
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Want to Forget Something? Keep Your Mind Active!

Want to Forget Something? Keep Your Mind Active!

Forgetting gets a bad rap. We think of remembering as inherently better than forgetting. After all, no one aspires to be forgetful, right? But forgetting is actually one of the most important ...
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