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The Psychological Separation Between "Meat" and "Animals"

The Psychological Separation Between “Meat” and “Animals”

People like animals. People also like to eat animals. This presents an obvious problem. It’s challenging to make a convincing case to yourself that you think animals are cute and want to ...
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Breakfast Habits and School Performance

Breakfast Habits and School Performance

"Dear diary, today I had cereal and orange juice for breakfast." That kind of diary entry might make for fairly boring reading, but it’s exactly what the authors of a recent study ...
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Family Connectedness Predicts Teen Coping Skills

Family Connectedness Predicts Teen Coping Skills

The family someone comes from can shape how they relate to the world around them – including how they cope with stressful situations, as it turns out. A new study from researchers ...
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"Dark" Personality Traits Aren't Always Obvious to Others

“Dark” Personality Traits Aren’t Always Obvious to Others

In my last post, I talked about good liars and what sets them apart. As it turns out, today’s topic is going to continue our look at the darker side of human ...
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What Sets Good Liars Apart?

What Sets Good Liars Apart?

Everyone can lie, but not everyone can lie well. In fact, some research suggests that the demeanor of a liar is the most important factor in whether lies are detected, possibly more ...
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Children Will Imitate Robots

Children Will Imitate Robots

Young children have a range of skills that make them phenomenal learners, and one of these skills appears to be copying the people around them. For better or for worse, children will ...
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"Thank You" Can Change How People See You

“Thank You” Can Change How People See You

If your parents told you to always say your thank yous when you were growing up, chances are they understood on some intuitive level that these two simple words carry a lot ...
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Who Can Read Dog Body Language?

Who Can Read Dog Body Language?

Humans are evolved to recognize emotions in each other’s nonverbal behavior. To some extent, we apply that ability not just to other humans but to animals as well. Nowhere is this more ...
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What Social Connections and Financial Security Mean for Retirement

What Social Connections and Financial Security Mean for Retirement

Given the choice, most of us would probably rather retire with a broad social network and a deep bank account. Of course, the choice isn’t entirely up to us, since there are ...
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Is Your Phubbing Hurting Your Kids?

Is Your Phubbing Hurting Your Kids?

"Phubbing" is an invented word for a phenomenon we all know to be quite real: the act of snubbing someone by burying your face in a smartphone. Psychologists have previously tied phubbing ...
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