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Body Image Affects Quality of Life

Body Image Affects Quality of Life

It's no secret that having a negative body image can lower your self-esteem and make you depressed. But a team of researchers from Turkey recently decided to ask a question that took ...
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/ / General Psychology
Narcissism and Self-Esteem Affect Autobiographical Memories Differently

Narcissism and Self-Esteem Affect Autobiographical Memories Differently

You can only trust your memory so far. Our brains are pretty good at saving the information that lines up with the way we see the world and discarding the rest. Based ...
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/ / General Psychology
Music Can Improve People's Hospital Experiences

Music Can Improve People’s Hospital Experiences

Imagine you've just gotten out of a stressful surgical procedure, and you're now recovering in the hospital. What do you want more than anything? Just some peace and quiet, right? Well, peace, ...
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/ / General Psychology
Children's Diets Influence Their Academic Performance

Children’s Diets Influence Their Academic Performance

You are what you eat, and if findings from a study published this month hold up, you learn what you eat too. In the study, Finnish researchers surveyed 161 children in Grade ...
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/ / General Psychology
Loving Money Makes People Objectify Others

Loving Money Makes People Objectify Others

Here are the only two things you really need to know about money: Our society is based on money. Money doesn't always bring out the best in people. Put these together, and ...
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/ / General Psychology
Baby Robot

4 Things You Didn’t Know About Smiling

The smile is one of the most common facial expressions, but what do you really know about it? Probably not as much as you think. Psychologists studying the smile have made some ...
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/ / General Psychology
Genes Explain Much of the Overlap of ADHD With Binge Eating and Alcoholism

Genes Explain Much of the Overlap of ADHD With Binge Eating and Alcoholism

People with ADHD often have comorbid conditions like substance abuse, alcoholism and binge eating. According to some new research from a doctoral candidate at Linköping University in Sweden, a lot of the ...
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/ / General Psychology
Learning One Thing at a Time Is Common Sense, and It's Wrong

Learning One Thing at a Time Is Common Sense, and It’s Wrong

If you have two things you want to learn, what's the best way to learn them? The intuitive answer would be to focus on learning one, then move on and learn the ...
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/ / General Psychology
Tradeoff for Kids Who Play Video Games Instead of Going Outside

Tradeoff for Kids Who Play Video Games Instead of Going Outside

Kids are spending too much time glued to screens instead of going outside these days, or so the story goes. But does this wariness of video games and similar activities hold up ...
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/ / General Psychology
Media Literacy: An Essential Twenty-First Century Skill

Media Literacy: An Essential Twenty-First Century Skill

Here's an idea you won't here about in, well, the media: we should have media literacy classes in schools. Despite how much information we get from the media, we don't talk much ...
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