General Psychology

Transitions in Young Adulthood Can Precipitate Mental Health Problems

Transitions in Young Adulthood Can Precipitate Mental Health Problems

From new relationships to new jobs, young adulthood is a time of transitions. And, as it turns out, that may mean young adulthood is also a time when people are uniquely at ...
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Different Types of Meditation May Have Similar Psychological Benefits

Different Types of Meditation May Have Similar Psychological Benefits

There doesn’t seem to be one kind of meditation that’s uniquely suited to improving mental health. Rather, it appears that different meditation practices can have similarly positive psychological effects. That’s what researchers ...
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Who Wakes Up When?

Who Wakes Up When?

Whether you’re a morning person or whether you prefer to burn the midnight oil may have a lot to do with your age and sex. That’s according to a comprehensive study in ...
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Sleep Deprivation Can Make You Less Attractive

Sleep Deprivation Can Make You Less Attractive

And there you were thinking "beauty sleep" was just a turn of phrase. As it turns out, though, how much sleep you get influences how others perceive you in several different ways, ...
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"Exercise Withdrawal" Can Harm Mental Health

“Exercise Withdrawal” Can Harm Mental Health

We all know that exercise and happiness go hand-in-hand. But what happens when people cut back on daily exercise – whether because they’re busy, they develop health conditions that prevent exercise, or ...
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Excessive Daydreaming Linked to Several Mental Health Conditions

Excessive Daydreaming Linked to Several Mental Health Conditions

There’s nothing wrong with a little daydreaming. In fact, as I wrote about last year, certain kinds of daydreaming are associated with having a greater sense of purpose in life ...
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Naps Help Infants With Motor Problem Solving

Naps Help Infants With Motor Problem Solving

Those first teetering steps are one of the most exciting milestones of early life. Learning to walk for the first time is no easy feat (or should I say "feet"?). But it ...
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Ebooks May Have Surprising Benefits for Toddlers

Ebooks May Have Surprising Benefits for Toddlers

When I was looking through recently published research and came across a study titled Parent-Toddler Behavior and Language Differ When Reading Electronic and Print Picture Books, I clicked on it expecting to ...
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Personality in Elementary School Can Predict Smoking and Drinking in High School

Personality in Elementary School Can Predict Smoking and Drinking in High School

Personality traits that predispose children to risky behaviors in high school may already be apparent in elementary school, even if the actual smoking and drinking don’t come until later. Although there are ...
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Does Religion Help Mental Health? It Might Depend On How You Think About God

Does Religion Help Mental Health? It Might Depend On How You Think About God

Some relationships are good for your mental health, and some aren’t. It depends on the specifics. And it might be that your relationship with God is no exception. At least, that’s what ...
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