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How Body Odor Can Predict Your Politics

How Body Odor Can Predict Your Politics

A team of researchers from Sweden and Italy have taken a new angle on understanding the rise of Donald Trump: body odor. Wait, what? There’s a logic here, although it’s not obvious ...
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How Heritable Is Mental Illness?

How Heritable Is Mental Illness?

You’ve probably already heard that genes play a role in mental illness. If you have a particular psychiatric condition, your children are also more likely to have that condition. But how much ...
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/ / General Psychology
Why Does a "Positive Orientation" Matter?

Why Does a “Positive Orientation” Matter?

Have you noticed that some people seem to be unfailingly positive about everything that happens to them? If you’re like me, you can’t help but be a little jealous of these people ...
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/ / General Psychology
Seeking Happiness Can Mean Losing Time

Seeking Happiness Can Mean Losing Time

If you set out to find happiness, you might just end up losing time. Don’t take my word for it – ask the researchers who this month published a study titled Vanishing ...
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/ / General Psychology
The Brains of Chocolate Cravers

The Brains of Chocolate Cravers

As you read this post, try not to think about how good a bar of milk chocolate would taste right now. Many people find that it’s quite easy to get visions of ...
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The Science of Helicopter Parenting

The Science of Helicopter Parenting

Hover mothers, helicopter parents. Call them whatever you want: we’ve all seen examples of parents who closely monitor their children’s lives – sometimes even as their children stop being children and head ...
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How Much Does Having a Growth Mindset Matter?

How Much Does Having a Growth Mindset Matter?

Telling kids they’re smart could lead them to do worse in school. That’s the eye-catching finding from work done back in 1998 by a pair of psychology researchers from Columbia University. In ...
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Does OCD Predict Other Disorders?

Does OCD Predict Other Disorders?

We often think of different mental health conditions as totally independent from each other. Depression is separate from anxiety is separate from bipolar disorder, and so on: they have different names, different ...
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People Who Read Left to Right Remember Left to Right Too

People Who Read Left to Right Remember Left to Right Too

How we remember things is partly down to the culture we’re from and the language we speak. Some new evidence for that comes from a recent study published in the journal Cognition ...
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/ / General Psychology
The Mystery of Trypophobia

The Mystery of Trypophobia

When asked "how would you draw fear?" a 12-year-old sketches a repetitive pattern of dots. That might seem like an odd choice, but it makes sense when you consider that the girl ...
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/ / General Psychology