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The Positive Cognitive Triad: 3 Traits for a Happy Life

The Positive Cognitive Triad: 3 Traits for a Happy Life

Some people seem to be unfailingly upbeat, no matter what life throws their way. Ever wonder what the outlook on life is that all these people have in common? One answer that’s ...
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What Is Personal Intelligence?

What Is Personal Intelligence?

Do you have a good awareness of what defines your personality and the personalities of others? Are you able to predict how different people will react in a given situation based on ...
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How Deep Is the Link Between Bright Colors and Positive Emotions?

How Deep Is the Link Between Bright Colors and Positive Emotions?

If I asked you to paint a picture that captured the emotion of happiness, dark blue probably isn’t the first color of paint you would reach for. In fact, I’d guess that ...
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Coping Strategies Linked to Depression Risk in Teens, Young Adults

Coping Strategies Linked to Depression Risk in Teens, Young Adults

Over the course of their teenage and young adult years, people tend to face all kinds of challenging and stressful situations. How teens and young adults cope with the problems and new ...
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/ / General Psychology
Workplace Incivility Interferes With Sleep, but How You Use Your Free Time Can Help

Workplace Incivility Interferes With Sleep, but How You Use Your Free Time Can Help

Bad experiences at work don’t always stay in the workplace. They can follow you home when the workday is done. Maybe it’s no surprise, then, that a new study suggests the key ...
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/ / General Psychology
The Surprising Success of the Extremely Unattractive

The Surprising Success of the Extremely Unattractive

You might expect that more attractive people would have an edge in life. And in general, you’d probably be right: an analysis by researchers at the London School of Economics has found, ...
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/ / General Psychology
Why People Have Different Senses of Bodily Space

Why People Have Different Senses of Bodily Space

Where does your body end and the external world begin? Your brain is calibrated to always be thinking about that question. If it wasn’t, you would be constantly bumping into things, and ...
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/ / General Psychology
ADHD Symptoms Can Go With Both Binge Eating and Restrictive Eating

ADHD Symptoms Can Go With Both Binge Eating and Restrictive Eating

ADHD symptoms have a direct relationship with disordered eating behaviors including binge eating and restrictive eating, according to a new study published in Frontiers in Psychiatry. In the study, researchers in the ...
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/ / General Psychology
People With Low Self-Esteem See Narcissistic Leaders as More Abusive

People With Low Self-Esteem See Narcissistic Leaders as More Abusive

Here’s a trait you don’t necessarily want in your boss, or in any leader for that matter: high levels of narcissism. According to a team of researchers in the Netherlands, narcissistic leaders ...
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/ / General Psychology
Adults Judge Preschoolers for Violating Gender Stereotypes

Adults Judge Preschoolers for Violating Gender Stereotypes

Even for young children, behaving in ways that don’t conform to traditional gender roles can result in a "backlash" of judgment from others. That’s the conclusion of a study published this month ...
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/ / General Psychology