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Does Giving People Money Increase Their Happiness?

Does Giving People Money Increase Their Happiness?

Money can’t buy happiness, but not having enough money can sure get in the way of it. Which raises the possibility: maybe you can improve people’s mental health simply by handing them ...
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Does the Mind Wander Less With Age?

Does the Mind Wander Less With Age?

The outward changes that come with age are the most obvious. What’s happening in people’s minds is more of a black box. There’s no direct information we have on the content of ...
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"Collective Narcissism" May Shape How Americans See History

“Collective Narcissism” May Shape How Americans See History

How important was your home state in the course of United States history? Probably not as important as you think it was. A new study published in Psychological Science suggests that Americans ...
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What Do Blue and Green Space Mean for Mental Health?

What Do Blue and Green Space Mean for Mental Health?

Is living next to a park a recipe for happiness? Intuitively, it makes sense that easier access to nature could improve mental health. To some extent, the scientific findings are in line ...
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How Personality Relates to Sexuality

How Personality Relates to Sexuality

Someone's personality can tell you how they approach all sorts of different things in life, including sex. But how exactly do personality and sexuality relate to each other? That's the question psychologists ...
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The Economic Cost of Sleep Deprivation

The Economic Cost of Sleep Deprivation

"Money never sleeps," says Gordon Gekko in the film Wall Street. Technically correct. But there’s a related point he never mentions: never sleeping costs money. This idea seems to go against the ...
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Listening Is Key to Relationship Satisfaction

Listening Is Key to Relationship Satisfaction

If you’re like most people, chances are you’d rather have a partner who listens to what you have to say. Listening is an important ingredient to healthy relationships, and a new study ...
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What Researchers Learned by Reading 700,000 YouTube Comments

What Researchers Learned by Reading 700,000 YouTube Comments

You’ve probably been warned not to venture into the comments section on YouTube. But a group of researchers in the United States and Canada threw caution into the wind for the sake ...
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3 Coping Strategies That Complement Each Other

3 Coping Strategies That Complement Each Other

Different people respond to stressful situations in different ways. To some extent, the coping strategies people use in dealing with negative events predict how those events will impact their mental health. Psychologists ...
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Nomophobia: The Fear of Being Without a Mobile Phone

Nomophobia: The Fear of Being Without a Mobile Phone

Perhaps you’ve experienced a jolt of discomfort after realizing you’ve left home without your smartphone. How will I find where I’m going without Google Maps? What if someone needs to get in ...
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