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The Roles of Shame and Guilt in Anxiety

The Roles of Shame and Guilt in Anxiety

Psychology researchers have become increasingly interested in the idea that people who are more prone to feelings of shame and guilt are at higher risk for mental health conditions like anxiety disorders ...
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Countries With More History of Migration Express Emotions Differently

Countries With More History of Migration Express Emotions Differently

The United States is a country of immigrants. Throughout its history, it has been a society that gathers people from a diverse range of cultures. So what does that mean for the ...
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3 Reasons People Procrastinate at Bedtime

3 Reasons People Procrastinate at Bedtime

It’s possible to procrastinate on almost anything, and that includes going to sleep. You feel the urge to fit just one more activity in before you call it a night, and before ...
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Ability to Feel Awe May Drive Scientific Thinking

Ability to Feel Awe May Drive Scientific Thinking

Thinking scientifically involves putting forward logical explanations and dispassionately considering the evidence. But underlying scientific inquiry might be a more profound emotion: awe. Evidence for this idea comes from a study published ...
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Being Especially Scrupulous Could Raise Risk for Hoarding

Being Especially Scrupulous Could Raise Risk for Hoarding

Ever bought something and then never gotten around to using it? Most of us don’t like that feeling. We naturally don’t want to see things go to waste. For some of us, ...
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Brain Connectivity Is Different in People Who Are Happy With Their Lives

Brain Connectivity Is Different in People Who Are Happy With Their Lives

Does the brain of someone who’s satisfied with the way their life is going look obviously different than the brain of someone who’s not? Possibly so. A new study by researchers in ...
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The Personality of a Team Player

The Personality of a Team Player

If you’re looking for someone who is good at teamwork, your ideal candidate is probably extraverted, agreeable and conscientious – but not too extraverted, agreeable or conscientious, according to a new study ...
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5 Traits of Highly Resilient People

5 Traits of Highly Resilient People

Intuitively, we all understand the idea of resilience. We have dozens of one-liners we can draw on to summarize what it means to be resilient in trite terms: It’s not about how ...
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Making Workplaces Less Sedentary

Making Workplaces Less Sedentary

A couple weeks ago, I wrote about a study where people were asked to stand up during work meetings. The results of the study suggested that one factor contributing to the unhealthy ...
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Why Caring Too Much About Power Leads to Unhappiness

Why Caring Too Much About Power Leads to Unhappiness

Some things in life, like building genuine connections with other people or having a job you love, can lead to an ongoing sense of happiness. Other things, like chasing power and money, ...
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