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Going Gluten-Free Changes What Potential Romantic Partners Think of You

Going Gluten-Free Changes What Potential Romantic Partners Think of You

It’s unclear whether going gluten-free has any health benefits for people without celiac disease, but that hasn’t stopped the diet from catching on. Last month, a Gallup poll found that one in ...
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The Dark Side of Celebrity Worship

The Dark Side of Celebrity Worship

We live in a society that is obsessed with celebrities. But if you have concerns that idolizing someone you’ve never met might not go hand-in-hand with good mental health, you could be ...
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We Need to Learn More About People Who Flourish After Depression

We Need to Learn More About People Who Flourish After Depression

We know a decent amount about people with depression. At this point, quite a few studies have been done on people who have depression. But we know less about people who used ...
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Why Meaning in Life Means Better Mental Health for Teens

Why Meaning in Life Means Better Mental Health for Teens

As I’ve written about before, having a sense of purpose in life is consistently linked with better mental health. It’s hard to be happy when you’re also wondering what the point of ...
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How to Parent a Young Adult

How to Parent a Young Adult

We think of "parenting" as something that’s done for children, but of course you don’t simply stop being a parent the moment your children reach adulthood. The quality of a parent-child relationship ...
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Why Trying to Find Your Passion Might Backfire

Why Trying to Find Your Passion Might Backfire

Find your passion. It seems like such self-evidently good life advice. But it’s worth stopping to think about what it means to "find" your passion. The implication behind this phrase is that ...
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Study: People You Meet Probably Like You More Than You Think

Study: People You Meet Probably Like You More Than You Think

A theme that often comes up on this blog is that people tend to be biased in their judgments about themselves and about the way other people see them. In many situations, ...
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Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety: It Works for Both Teens and Adults, but Not Necessarily in the Same Way

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety: It Works for Both Teens and Adults, but Not Necessarily in the Same Way

A common treatment for anxiety disorders is cognitive-behavioral therapy, or CBT for short. CBT aims to help people develop effective coping strategies for addressing stressful situations and managing their emotions. It provides ...
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Teenagers Who Self-Harm, 20 Years Later

Teenagers Who Self-Harm, 20 Years Later

When mental health conditions appear during the teenage years, one of the most complex questions is what the long-term implications are. Some conditions tend to be life-long, but for behaviors like self-harm, ...
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The Health Benefits of Playfulness

The Health Benefits of Playfulness

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. It also makes him less healthy, less physically fit and less likely to lead an active life. That second part isn’t from ...
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