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What an Amazing Coincidence Tells Us About Schadenfreude

What an Amazing Coincidence Tells Us About Schadenfreude

In December 2015, researchers asked 59 Argentinian adults to consider this description of a scenario featuring Argentina's long-time football rival, Brazil. They meant it as a hypothetical exercise: Brazil and Peru are ...
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From Childhood Trauma to Adulthood Empathy?

From Childhood Trauma to Adulthood Empathy?

If there’s a good side to suffering, it might be that it can make you more attuned to the suffering of others. A new study from researchers at City University of New ...
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Climate Change Has Mental Health Costs Too

Climate Change Has Mental Health Costs Too

This week, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned that we have a window of 12 years before our chance to limit global warming to a 1.5C rise in temperatures slips ...
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Quality Might Matter More Than Quantity in Loneliness

Quality Might Matter More Than Quantity in Loneliness

Loneliness has a bad rap, and it’s not entirely undeserved. The emotion of loneliness has been linked to both physical and mental health problems. As I wrote last year, for example, loneliness ...
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Giving Advice Might Be Better Than Receiving It

Giving Advice Might Be Better Than Receiving It

You find yourself in a situation where you’re struggling. You don’t know what to do. Your confidence is starting to flag. Is it time to seek out some advice from other people? ...
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Can Job Interviews Uncover Narcissism?

Can Job Interviews Uncover Narcissism?

Woe be to the employer who hires a promising applicant only to discover that they are an exceptional narcissist. The employer isn’t the only one to suffer, either. For example, if the ...
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How to Cope With Waiting

How to Cope With Waiting

Waiting isn’t known for being fun. It’s not generally fun when you’re waiting in line at the supermarket, and it’s really not fun when you’re waiting for a piece of life-altering news ...
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Repetition Makes Fake News More Believable

Repetition Makes Fake News More Believable

If you want something to be believable, just repeat it. Let me say that again: if you want something to be believable, just repeat it. A new study by researchers at Yale ...
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4 Steps to Prevent Burnout

4 Steps to Prevent Burnout

Burnout at work is a common phenomenon, but it’s still one that mental health professionals don’t completely understand. Why do some people eventually become emotionally exhausted by their jobs? And is this ...
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More Evidence That Happier People Live Longer

More Evidence That Happier People Live Longer

A new study adds weight to the idea that happiness and physical health go hand-in-hand. The study, by researchers in Singapore, looks at two groups of people who have been previously underrepresented ...
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