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Do Children Beat Adults at the Game of Concentration?

Do Children Beat Adults at the Game of Concentration?

If there’s a game that’s equally challenging for players of all ages, it would be Concentration. In case you’re not familiar, the game goes like this: lay all the cards in a ...
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Your Personality Might Have Implications for Your Cat’s Wellbeing

Your Personality Might Have Implications for Your Cat’s Wellbeing

It’s well-known that parents’ personality characteristics can influence their children. But a new study suggests that the same might also be true of cat parents. In the study, researchers in the United ...
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Subtle Linguistic Cues Can Discourage Young Girls From an Interest in Science

Subtle Linguistic Cues Can Discourage Young Girls From an Interest in Science

The language we use to talk about gender makes a difference. Last year, for example, I wrote about a study showing that previously being exposed to gender-neutral language affects how likely people ...
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Talking About Their Future Selves Improves Preschoolers' Cognitive Skills

Talking About Their Future Selves Improves Preschoolers’ Cognitive Skills

Conversations with adults are a key way that children build cognitive skills. And if you’re looking for something to talk about with the young children in your life, new research suggests a ...
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How Our Ability to Recognize Emotions Changes With Age

How Our Ability to Recognize Emotions Changes With Age

Being able to make an accurate guess at what the people around us are feeling is a skill that helps us get along with friends, family, partners and coworkers. Like other cognitive ...
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Does Listening to Music Help With Cognitive Tasks? It Depends

Does Listening to Music Help With Cognitive Tasks? It Depends

If you’re like me, music is an indispensable part of your work routine. Then again, maybe you’re like some other people I know who need absolute silence in order to concentrate. It’s ...
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Physical Punishment, Childhood Maltreatment Linked to Antisocial Behaviors in Adulthood

Physical Punishment, Childhood Maltreatment Linked to Antisocial Behaviors in Adulthood

Problematic behaviors in adulthood often have roots in childhood, and a new study of over 36,000 adults in the United States adds more evidence for that idea. In the study, researchers from ...
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Are People Born With a Left-to-Right Number Line?

Are People Born With a Left-to-Right Number Line?

If I ask you where you’d put the number 4 in relation to the number 12, chances are you’d put 4 to the left and 12 to the right. Most adults have ...
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Can You Measure Creativity Using Word Association?

Can You Measure Creativity Using Word Association?

One of the biggest obstacles to understanding creativity is figuring out how to define creativity in the first place. If I point to a random person on the street, is there a ...
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When Something Bad Happens, Tell a Joke?

When Something Bad Happens, Tell a Joke?

If you use humor as a coping mechanism, you aren’t alone. And even if you are alone, you probably think it’s funny. A new study from researchers in Poland highlights humor’s power ...
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