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Experts Rate Harmful Sleep Myths

Experts Rate Harmful Sleep Myths

Sleeping is one of the most mysterious things that people do. As a result, there’s plenty of mythology and folklore around what happens when we sleep. If our everyday, non-expert understanding of ...
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What's the Evidence for Blueberries as a Brain Food?

What’s the Evidence for Blueberries as a Brain Food?

Blueberries have a stellar reputation, as far as foods go. Numerous articles claim that eating blueberries can enhance your cognitive abilities. Scientific American, for example, has talked about Your Brain on Blueberries, ...
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Looking at the Big Picture Increases Happiness

Looking at the Big Picture Increases Happiness

Sometimes in life, being happy means looking at the big picture and not getting stuck on the details. Recently, a team of researchers tested that idea in a very literal way. Psychologists ...
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Gossip as a Workplace Coping Mechanism

Gossip as a Workplace Coping Mechanism

We typically think of gossip as something frivolous. But "idle gossip" might not be so idle. Gossip can be a social bonding mechanism, and workplace gossip in particular might help people cope ...
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When a First Impression Misleads

When a First Impression Misleads

To some extent, we all judge based on first impressions. But that doesn’t mean we judge accurately. A new study from researchers at University of Bologna suggests that our initial judgments about ...
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When Does Hoarding Start?

When Does Hoarding Start?

Hoarding disorder is a condition in which people compulsively acquire possessions that they then find themselves unable to discard. Hoarding can harm people’s health, their relationship with others, and their everyday functioning, ...
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A Daily Gratitude Exercise

A Daily Gratitude Exercise

Psychologists increasingly believe gratitude to be a powerful emotion that can boost happiness and wellbeing. Gratitude is interesting not only because of its links to happiness but because it’s something we intentionally ...
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More Compassionate People Can Prefer Harsher Punishments

More Compassionate People Can Prefer Harsher Punishments

A compassionate disposition and a desire to see someone get their "just deserts" might not seem to go together. But a new study suggests that people who are more compassionate also prefer ...
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Meditation Can Improve Ability to Cope Flexibly

Meditation Can Improve Ability to Cope Flexibly

Don’t we all just want to have better coping skills? Coping skills have to do with how we handle stressful situations, and they seem to be an important part of mental health ...
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Synesthesia and Aging

Synesthesia and Aging

The cross-sensory associations of synesthesia are still something of a mystery. We know that some people link letters with colors, or sounds with tactile sensations, but the broader implications of having synesthesia ...
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