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A Psychological Profile of the "Class Clown"

A Psychological Profile of the “Class Clown”

When you were in middle school, you could probably name without having to think who the "class clown" was. If you’re a middle school teacher, bless your heart, you can probably do ...
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An Intervention for Perfectionism

An Intervention for Perfectionism

I’ve written about perfectionism several times on here before, and to be honest, I’ve never really said anything nice about it. As I’ve pointed out, perfectionism has been implicated in everything from ...
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How Your Day Was Yesterday Can Predict How Your Brain Will Age

How Your Day Was Yesterday Can Predict How Your Brain Will Age

That’s right! When you woke up yesterday I bet you didn’t know your cognitive future hinged on whether you’d have a good day! I’m exaggerating, of course. But there really is a ...
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Social Media Might Kind of Affect Life Satisfaction in Teens

Social Media Might Kind of Affect Life Satisfaction in Teens

Maybe you’ve heard that social media usage is linked to lower life satisfaction. But what does that mean? There are multiple ways social media and life satisfaction could be "linked": People with ...
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6 Types of Shoplifters

6 Types of Shoplifters

Shoplifting is a behavior that, besides being ethically questionable, doesn’t seem like a very good risk-reward trade-off. Naturally, when psychologists see people engaged in that kind of activity, they ask: why? As ...
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What's Behind the Mona Lisa's Crooked Smile?

What’s Behind the Mona Lisa’s Crooked Smile?

For centuries, people have puzzled over the Mona Lisa’s enigmatic expression. In recent years, psychology researchers have joined in with their own theories, even debating fundamental questions such as whether Mona Lisa’s ...
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Genes May Contribute to Sense of Fairness

Genes May Contribute to Sense of Fairness

Do you have a strong, automatic reaction when you encounter a situation that’s unfair? Everyone has a sense of what’s fair and what’s not, but that sense seems to be more pronounced ...
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Too Much Sitting at School Leads to Attention Lapses

Too Much Sitting at School Leads to Attention Lapses

There are as many parenting philosophies as there are parents, but one thing most parents probably agree on is that it’s good for kids to stay active. Running around outside beats hours ...
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What Do Internet Addiction and Smoking Have in Common?

What Do Internet Addiction and Smoking Have in Common?

No, that question isn’t the beginning of a bad joke. But it could be the beginning of a psychology study. In fact, a team of researchers in China recently did take it ...
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Psychedelic Encounters With "Higher Powers" Have Lasting Spiritual Effects

Psychedelic Encounters With “Higher Powers” Have Lasting Spiritual Effects

When someone says they’re "ready to meet their maker," they don’t usually mean they’re about to drop acid, but encounters with "higher powers" are in fact a common effect of psychedelic drugs ...
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