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The Psychology of Eating Insects

The Psychology of Eating Insects

The next big thing to hit the dinner table isn’t necessarily going to be so big, and it might just have six legs. According to a recent report from investment bank Barclays, ...
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What It Means to Feed Someone on a First Date

What It Means to Feed Someone on a First Date

For those who find first dates confusing, not to worry. We have science to help us figure out what’s going on! What does it mean, for example, when you’re on a dinner ...
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Desire Thinking Is Common to Different Types of Addiction

Desire Thinking Is Common to Different Types of Addiction

Whether it’s addiction to a substance or addiction to a behavior, different types of addiction share certain features. Generally, these involve a strong urge to engage in some type of rewarding behavior ...
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Who Grows the Most From Trauma?

Who Grows the Most From Trauma?

Being able to take a bad situation and turn it into something good is a valuable skill from a mental health standpoint. Perhaps there’s no greater test of this skill than being ...
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Interventions Can Reduce Ageism

Interventions Can Reduce Ageism

Old age is a life stage that we all hope to reach, but that doesn’t always make us empathetic toward people who have already reached it. Prejudice against older adults shows up ...
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Parents' Warm Encouragement Can Help Shy Toddlers

Parents’ Warm Encouragement Can Help Shy Toddlers

How can parents help shy toddlers become more at ease in social situations? A new study suggests that a combination of warmth and gentle prompting to engage socially might be the answer ...
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Gratitude Might Be a Foundation for Ethical Behavior

Gratitude Might Be a Foundation for Ethical Behavior

Many psychologists believe that gratitude is an especially powerful emotion. People who are more grateful tend to be happier, with higher emotional intelligence. They may also be more ethical, according to a ...
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Body Temperature, Stress and Social Connection

Body Temperature, Stress and Social Connection

When we say that someone is "warm," we can mean that in a literal, physical sense. We might also be saying that they’re friendly, sociable and kind. This link between temperature and ...
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The Character Traits of Productive Procrastinators

The Character Traits of Productive Procrastinators

In the traditional telling of the story, procrastination is the arch-enemy of productivity. The more you procrastinate, the less you get done. But psychologists who study procrastination have questioned that narrative. A ...
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Why Do Rich People Lie More?

Why Do Rich People Lie More?

With great power doesn’t necessarily come great honesty. It turns out that wealthier people are more likely to engage in several different kinds of unethical behavior. A 2012 study showed, for example, ...
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