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Distinguishing Narcissism and Self-Esteem

Distinguishing Narcissism and Self-Esteem

Everyone wants to feel good about themselves. But when does feeling good about yourself cross the line into feeling better than other people? There are different ways of thinking about the difference ...
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Praising Hard Work Can Make Infants More Persistent

Praising Hard Work Can Make Infants More Persistent

When you were a kid, maybe you read The Little Engine That Could, a story about a modest train locomotive whose persistence pays off. One possible reason for this story’s popularity is ...
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Phubbing Destroys Relationships

Phubbing Destroys Relationships

Consider this your annual AllPsych public health announcement about the negative effects of phubbing. In early 2018, I wrote about the dangers of phubbing – that is, of snubbing people by going ...
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Where Do Pointing Gestures Come From?

Where Do Pointing Gestures Come From?

Pointing is a basic type of human communication. Before they start talking, babies start pointing. A pointing gesture can mean different things, such as "look at that?" or "what is that?" or ...
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Anxiety and a First Depressive Episode

Anxiety and a First Depressive Episode

Sometimes mental health conditions are buy-one-get-one-free. Anxiety and depression are an example of two conditions that often come in a package deal. Recently, researchers in China designed a study to learn a ...
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The Top Reasons for Divorce

The Top Reasons for Divorce

The odds of a marriage splitting up are basically as good as a coin flip. In the United States, almost half of married couples are headed for divorce. Unlike the results of ...
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Why You Shouldn't Drink and Click

Why You Shouldn’t Drink and Click

Alcohol is something that doesn’t go with certain activities. Driving is the most obvious example. And it turns out that browsing the internet may be another one. A new paper titled Combined ...
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Are Video Games Linked to Aggression? Researchers Can't Agree

Are Video Games Linked to Aggression? Researchers Can’t Agree

Whether violent video games go hand-in-hand with violence in real life seems like exactly the kind of question we should send over to the psychology researchers. And psychology researchers do have an ...
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Why Do People Gossip?

Why Do People Gossip?

Gossip can range from benign to harmful, and it occurs in a variety of settings from the workplace to our personal lives. So what makes this behavior so pervasive? A new study ...
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A Tip to Find Meaning in Stressful Situations

A Tip to Find Meaning in Stressful Situations

When we encounter stressful situations in life, sometimes we’re able to turn them into something more than stressful situations. They can become stressful situations that add something to our life and that ...
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