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Emoji Use Correlates With Dating Success

Emoji Use Correlates With Dating Success

With the rise of smartphones and online dating, texting with potential dates has become an important part of seeking out a relationship. Now, a new study suggests that having a good emoji ...
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Why Flipping a Coin Is a Good Way to Decide

Why Flipping a Coin Is a Good Way to Decide

Can’t make up your mind? Here’s a simple trick. Flip a coin to decide. And if you don’t like the outcome of the coin flip, well, sounds like you’ve made up your ...
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Optimism and Life Satisfaction Go Together in Schizophrenia

Optimism and Life Satisfaction Go Together in Schizophrenia

Psychologists have been optimistic about the power of optimism, and a new study provides more evidence consistent with the idea that optimism might have far-reaching mental health effects. In the study, researchers ...
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People Can Detect Envy, but Only in Other People They Know

People Can Detect Envy, but Only in Other People They Know

Ever get the feeling that other people become jealous when something good happens to you? It’s exceptionally hard to know or sure, because most people aren’t open about being envious. As far ...
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Would You Rather Be Replaced at Work by Another Human or a Robot?

Would You Rather Be Replaced at Work by Another Human or a Robot?

That’s a bleak choice, and it’s exactly the choice researchers in Germany and the Netherlands gave people in a recent study on the psychology of job replacement. OK, the researchers didn’t actually ...
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Anticipating Future Nostalgia

Anticipating Future Nostalgia

We’ve all had the experience of looking back and feeling nostalgic about a particular time in our lives. A slightly more complicated feeling is looking forward to the future to imagine how ...
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A Gallery of Psychologically Soothing Images

A Gallery of Psychologically Soothing Images

Some pictures have the power to evoke a sense of peace and relaxation in us. Seeking out that feeling is what’s behind Project Soothe, in which psychology researchers at University of Edinburgh ...
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Chocolate vs. Depression

Chocolate vs. Depression

Good news for chocolate lovers: there’s more evidence out that chocolate can be part of a (mentally) healthy diet. Previous research has suggested that chocolate might be associated with lower risk of ...
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A 20-Minute Procedure Can Change People's Everyday Risk Preferences

A 20-Minute Procedure Can Change People’s Everyday Risk Preferences

One of the interesting findings in recent psychology research is that relatively simple procedures can temporarily alter people’s brain activity and behaviors. A recent study demonstrated this in terms of people’s propensity ...
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Who Plans to Retire Early?

Who Plans to Retire Early?

Given the option to retire, people will make different decisions about how long to keep working. In order to learn more about how people make retirement decisions, a recent study decided to ...
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