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When Are Rich People More Entitled?

When Are Rich People More Entitled?

When a person has more of something, there’s always the risk that they’ll decide the reason they have more is because they deserve more. That’s the most self-serving interpretation, but then again, ...
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People Make Similar Judgments About Abstract Art

People Make Similar Judgments About Abstract Art

Abstract art might seem random or lacking coherence at first glance, but psychologists are weighing in with evidence that there really is a method in the chaos. A new study suggests that ...
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/ / Art, Cognitive Psychology
Study Sheds Light on Link Between Self-Esteem and Interpersonal Relationships

Study Sheds Light on Link Between Self-Esteem and Interpersonal Relationships

The advice that other people will like you more if you like yourself sounds reasonable enough, and there’s some scientific basis for saying that it’s true. Psychology studies have tended to show ...
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How to Write a Good Rejection Letter

How to Write a Good Rejection Letter

Finally you get the long-awaited envelope! You tear it open and read the first sentence. We regret to inform you… No one likes getting a rejection letter. And few people like writing ...
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Understanding "Saw but Forgot" Traffic Collisions

Understanding “Saw but Forgot” Traffic Collisions

It’s easy to dismiss traffic collisions as being the result of inattentive or reckless drivers. But a common and more troubling phenomenon is when a driver reports they were paying attention and ...
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How Abstract Thinking Can Help You Reach Goals

How Abstract Thinking Can Help You Reach Goals

There’s more than one way to look at a situation. You can look in concrete terms at the details of the situation by itself, and the specific details of it. You can ...
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Americans' Unhealthy Ideas About What Breakfast "Should" Be

Americans’ Unhealthy Ideas About What Breakfast “Should” Be

This week’s theme on the AllPsych Blog appears to be food, and the psychology of healthy eating. In my last post, I talked about how the right plates could act as a ...
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/ / Health Psychology, Nutrition
Choice of Plate Can Help Children Eat Their Vegetables

Choice of Plate Can Help Children Eat Their Vegetables

For centuries, parents have been trying to cajole their children into eating broccoli. Now scientists are here to help. Techniques for convincing children to up their fruit and vegetable consumption are sometimes ...
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What Socializing and Drinking Today Mean for Mood Tomorrow

What Socializing and Drinking Today Mean for Mood Tomorrow

Socializing and consuming alcohol are two activities that often go together. Both also have the potential to alter your mood – so it can be hard to untangle whether you’re feeling the ...
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Lying: Not the Best Parenting Strategy

Lying: Not the Best Parenting Strategy

Sometimes it’s temping just to tell children whatever they want to hear. Even for parents who preach the value of honesty, a little lie here or there can seem acceptable if it ...
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