General Psychology

How Similar Are Friends?

How Similar Are Friends?

Ever wonder how you ended up with the friends you have? Well, you aren’t the only one – several psychologists have asked this same question, and tried to answer it with scientific ...
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/ / General Psychology
The Benefits of Biculturalism

The Benefits of Biculturalism

People who move to a new place are often torn between assimilating to their new culture and staying in touch with their old one. Several studies suggest, however, that you can have ...
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/ / General Psychology
An Intervention to Prevent Anxiety and Depression

An Intervention to Prevent Anxiety and Depression

Ounce of prevention, pound of cure, all that. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could treat psychiatric disorders by preventing them? Recently, an international team of researchers did a test run of ...
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/ / General Psychology
Dirty Secrets About New Year's Resolutions

Dirty Secrets About New Year’s Resolutions

It’s common knowledge that New Year’s resolutions are made to be broken, but you don’t know the half of it. Studies looking at how people’s renewed commitments to healthy living tend to ...
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/ / General Psychology
3 Traits That Make You Resilient to Failure

3 Traits That Make You Resilient to Failure

We all know that we can’t choose when we fail, only how we react to failure when it does happen. But what’s less clear is why some people are better at brushing ...
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/ / General Psychology
Home Environment Influences Math and Science Learning

Home Environment Influences Math and Science Learning

Math and science learning isn’t just something that happens in the classroom. Several new studies have confirmed that children’s parents and home environment play an important role in shaping math and science ...
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/ / General Psychology
Near Misses Drive Gambling Behavior

Near Misses Drive Gambling Behavior

One of the paradoxes of gambling is that losing can make people want to keep playing as much as winning. All losses are not created equal, though. Several studies published recently in ...
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/ / General Psychology
Meditation Retreats May Have Lasting Mental Health Benefits

Meditation Retreats May Have Lasting Mental Health Benefits

Meditation is an increasingly popular mental health tool, and if you’ve heard about any of the recent research suggesting several health benefits to meditation, you might have been tempted to try meditating ...
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/ / General Psychology
Is There a Perfectly Boring Task?

Is There a Perfectly Boring Task?

Boredom research is a fairly popular area of study in psychology recently. It’s not to be confused with boring research because it can give us some interesting insights into how people work, ...
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/ / General Psychology
Can Pursuing Happiness Make You Unhappy?

Can Pursuing Happiness Make You Unhappy?

How’s this for a cruel paradox: the more you want to be happy, the less happy you become. I’m not just suggesting that idea as a thought experiment. According to some research, ...
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/ / General Psychology