General Psychology

Shyness Trajectories Predict Mental Health in Adulthood

Shyness Trajectories Predict Mental Health in Adulthood

It’s a common assumption that shy children are more likely to have mental health problems as adults, so a group of researchers from McMaster University decided to put that idea to the ...
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/ / General Psychology
Perfectionism and Certain Thought Patterns Predict Binge Eating

Perfectionism and Certain Thought Patterns Predict Binge Eating

Who is most at risk for engaging in binge eating, or compulsive overeating? Two articles published in the January edition of the journal Eating Behaviors are shedding light on this question. The ...
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/ / General Psychology
The Pros and Cons of Online Friendships

The Pros and Cons of Online Friendships

Are online friendships "real" friendships? It’s reasonable to suspect that online friendships would share some benefits of face-to-face friendships but not others, and several studies have put that idea to the test ...
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/ / General Psychology
When Your Job Hurts Your Mental Health

When Your Job Hurts Your Mental Health

Last week I wrote about why you should consider leaving your work at work. This week brings us a study about times when you might want to think about leaving your work, ...
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/ / General Psychology
Don’t Watch Medical Dramas Before Surgery

Don’t Watch Medical Dramas Before Surgery

Who doesn’t like a good medical drama? TV shows make the medical treatment process dramatic, exciting and uncertain – just what you want when you sit down to watch television. Not necessarily ...
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/ / General Psychology
5 Reasons to Leave Work at Work

5 Reasons to Leave Work at Work

From work emails popping up on your smartphone to events from your day replaying themselves in your head, there are dozens of little ways your job can follow you home. But research ...
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/ / General Psychology
The Science of Swearing

The Science of Swearing

How much do you really know about swearing? Or if that question is too broad, here’s a more specific one: how many swear words can you name? This second question is one ...
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/ / General Psychology
Parental Bonding Influences Anxiety in Adulthood

Parental Bonding Influences Anxiety in Adulthood

It’s no secret that your childhood experiences affect how you relate to the world as an adult. We’re still learning the specifics about how exactly the former shapes the latter, though. Recently, ...
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/ / General Psychology
Virtual Out-of-Body Experiences Can Make People Less Afraid of Death

Virtual Out-of-Body Experiences Can Make People Less Afraid of Death

Here’s an application of virtual reality you probably haven’t heard of yet: reducing people’s fear of death. Recently, a team of researchers from Barcelona and London collaborated to simulate out-of-body experiences using ...
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/ / General Psychology
Self-Compassionate Men Are More Open to Mental Health Treatment

Self-Compassionate Men Are More Open to Mental Health Treatment

From lowering your risk for depression to raising your level of psychological wellbeing, self-compassion has been shown to have a powerful impact on mental health. And according to a new study, you ...
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/ / General Psychology