General Psychology

The Potential of Online Mental Health Interventions

The Potential of Online Mental Health Interventions

The internet has raised all kinds of new possibilities in how we do things, and psychology is no exception. A big question right now is how computer-based interventions can be used to ...
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/ / General Psychology
Harsh Parenting and Childhood Aggression Can Create Vicious Circle

Harsh Parenting and Childhood Aggression Can Create Vicious Circle

If your intuition tells you that harsh parental discipline is likely to have opposite the intended effect, you’d be correct. But a new study by researchers in Turkey suggests that besides being ...
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/ / General Psychology
Christianity May Not "Quiet the Ego"

Christianity May Not “Quiet the Ego”

Well, let’s start by admitting the obvious: we’re all a little biased when it comes to the way we see ourselves. We’ve all been known to overestimate our positive attributes and underestimate ...
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/ / General Psychology
The Dangers of Trying to Control Other People

The Dangers of Trying to Control Other People

Worry too much about trying to control other people and you might just end up giving yourself high blood pressure. Psychologists call being concerned with influencing other people’s behavior agonistic striving. And ...
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/ / General Psychology
Loneliness Might Be More Complicated Than We Thought

Loneliness Might Be More Complicated Than We Thought

Happy Valentine’s Day! Today seems like as good a day to talk about loneliness as any, doesn’t it? Google tells us that loneliness is "sadness because one has no friends or company." ...
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/ / General Psychology
Tears of Joy

Tears of Joy

What does it take to make a grown adult cry? That’s what a team of researchers asked in a recent study published in the journal Emotion. But they weren’t interested in just ...
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/ / General Psychology
Apparently College Students Are Really Stressed Out

Apparently College Students Are Really Stressed Out

A group of researchers in France have surveyed college students’ mental health and found that a number of symptoms of psychological distress are widespread on university campuses. The study, which involved 483 ...
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/ / General Psychology
The Mysteries of Apathy

The Mysteries of Apathy

Researchers from University of Oxford and University College London have just published a new scale for measuring apathy. But who really cares, right? Whatever. Apathy is one of those basic emotions we ...
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/ / General Psychology
The Short-Term Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables

The Short-Term Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables

It’s easy to think of eating healthy as a long game. Sure, it’s more work now, but it’ll pay off years down the road. But a new study published in PLoS One ...
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/ / General Psychology
The Cognitive Benefits of Hip Hop Dance

The Cognitive Benefits of Hip Hop Dance

Want to sharpen your cognitive abilities? Maybe try taking up hip hop dance. According to a new study, gaining experience in hip hop dance may improve certain social and cognitive skills. The ...
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/ / General Psychology